How to Configure Ubuntu Cloud Archive in OpenStack

Configuring Ubuntu Cloud Archive and its Working

‘Ubuntu 12.04 LTS’ the phrase used throughout this particular article, provides two repositories for installing OpenStack. The basic repository ships with the Essex release, whereas another supported repository ‘Ubuntu Cloud Archive’ grants access to the latest release (at the instance of writing) Grizzly. We shall be achieving an installation and configuration of OpenStack Identity service (including other OpenStack services as well) with packages from the Ubuntu Cloud Archive to implement the Grizzly release of the software.

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Assure that you are logged into a nominated OpenStack Identity server or OpenStack controller host where OpenStack identity service be installed through which the rest of the OpenStack hosts will have access.

Carry out the subsequent steps to configure Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to operate the Ubuntu Cloud Archive:
1) To access the Ubuntu Cloud Archive repository, we shall add this to our apt sources as shown:

echo “deb https:// ubuntu echo
“deb https:// ubuntu precise-proposed/ grizzly main”
| sudo tee
/etc/ apt/ sources.list.d/ folsom.list

2) We must ensure that we have an Ubuntu Cloud Archive key. To achieve it, add the  following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install ubuntu-cloud-keyring

How Ubuntu Cloud Archive Works

What we all have done here is added an extra repository to our system that equips us with a tested set of packages of OpenStack that is fully supported on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS release. The packages in here will be used when we perform the installation of OpenStack on our system.

[ Related Article:- OpenStack tutorial ]

If you want to have more access regarding the information about Ubuntu Cloud Archive, you can visit the address: https:// ServerTeam/ CloudArchive. It will explain all about the release process as well as the methods to use the latest releases of OpenStack (where a new version is released every 6 months) on a long-term supported release of Ubuntu that gets released for every 2 years.

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Usage of an alternative release

If you ever wish to divagate from stable releases, it is relevant to do when you are helping to develop or debug OpenStack. To enable different releases, you must add different Personal Package Archives (PPA) to your system. To view the OpenStack PPAs, visit https:// PPA .
>>To utilize them properly, we shall first install a pre-requisite tool that allows adding PPAs easily to the system. For instance,

>>sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install python-software-properties

>>If you want to use a particular release of PPA
Let us assume, say ‘Havana trunk testing’, then we issue the following command:
>>sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openstack-ubuntu-testing/ havana-trunk-testing
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openstack-ubuntu-testing/ havana-trunk-testing

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Last updated: 03 Apr 2023
About Author

Ravindra Savaram is a Technical Lead at His passion lies in writing articles on the most popular IT platforms including Machine learning, DevOps, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, RPA, Deep Learning, and so on. You can stay up to date on all these technologies by following him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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