Web Services Communication Flow - TIBCO

Web services communication flow Diagram:

Web services communication flow Diagram


  • To understand how web services work, let's take an example.
  • Scenario – A Citibank customer wants to pay his Vodafone phone bill through the bank’s website.
  • Solution

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  • First, the Vodafone IT team would create a service that allows one to pay their bills through a web service.  This service may be implemented in any way they please, using ADF, POJO, PL/SQL, etc.  However, the service needs to expose its interface according to WSDL specification
  • In order to facilitate clients to be able to find this service, the Vodafone team publishes this WSDL to a web services directory.  The directory is capable of storing different kinds of information like the request and response messages, version, publisher details, type of service etc.  All this information is structured in a standard way so that interested parties can search or discover them.  This common format is the UDDI
  • Citibank IT team, which is developing their website, and want to provide this service to their customer, finds the service developed by Vodafone team.  This completes the setup.
  • When a customer chooses to pay his bill, the required information is sent to the Vodafone Bill Payment web service.  This communication is done using a SOAP message.  As SOAP can work over HTTP, which is the most used protocol on the Internet, this invocation can utilize the power of the Internet.

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  • The Vodafone Bill Payment service acknowledges the success or failure of the transaction
  • The above example brings out the interplay of:
  • Messaging protocols – SOAP
  • Programming standards – Interface based on WSDL standard
  • Network registration – Information stored as per UDDI standard

Note A Public Registry, while a really cool concept, didn’t really take off as expected.  However, the concept itself found takers at organization level and typically an organization that takes its SOA seriously will have a registry setup.

Describing a web service

Let's understand what it takes to describe a web service.  If we can appreciate these, then understanding why WSDL looks like it does would be that much simpler.

Requirement 1: We need to tell what is the location of this web service

Requirement 2: We need to tell what is the language the web service speaks

Requirement 3: We need to tell what functions or operations this web service is providing

Requirement 4: We need to tell what input and output parameters the service takes

Requirement 5: We need to tell the datatype of these parameters


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Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author

I am Ruchitha, working as a content writer for MindMajix technologies. My writings focus on the latest technical software, tutorials, and innovations. I am also into research about AI and Neuromarketing. I am a media post-graduate from BCU – Birmingham, UK. Before, my writings focused on business articles on digital marketing and social media. You can connect with me on LinkedIn.

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