For frontend development, AngularJS is one of the most promising languages. Below are a set of AngularJS interview questions and answers that help you nail the interview. There are many versions and this blog discusses each of them along with the answers to ace them. So let’s get started!
Are you looking to change your job as an Angular developer? Then you need to prepare the top AngularJS Interview questions in 2024. Browse the top 100+ AngularJS Interview Questions And Answers and become familiar with the answers prepared by our industry experts.
Our AngularJS Interview Questions And Answers will cover all prominent topics including directives, angular components lifecycles, angular materials, pipes, angular forms, and other concepts that help you to clear the Angular interview. Acquaint yourself with the AngularJS interview question and answers that are frequently asked in interviews.
Angular 8 is the upgraded version of Angular 7 and a great platform to build mobile-based applications. These Angular 8 Interview Questions and Answers will make you familiar with the essential concepts of Angular 8 from basic to advanced to ace your next Angular 8 Interview
Ans: Angular 8 version is released in May 2019 and it is a javascript framework to build applications in Typescript, HTML, and Javascript. Angular 8 supports unique and new features including angular material, CLI, and core framework.
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Ans: The following features are new in Angular 8.
Dynamic imports for lazy routes: Angular 8 uses standard dynamic import syntax so the syntax is customized to Angular.
Angular 7
Angular 8
It is difficult to use
It is easy to use
It has features like CLI prompts, drag and drop, virtual scrolling, bundle budget, application performance, Nativescript, Angular elements, better error handling, etc.
It has new and unique features such as differential loading, Ivy rendering, Bazel, location services, etc.
Breaking changes in Angular 7 are Virtual scrolling, material design library, and Component Dev kit.
Breaking changes in Angular 8 are CLI, Angular material, and core framework.
It supports the lower version of Typescript 3.4
It does not support a lower version of Typescript 3.4
It supports all versions of Node.js
It supports Node.js 12 version.
Ans: Bazel is a new feature in Angular 8 and it builds a new system that available for a short period of time. It provides a platform to make your frontend and backend with a similar tool.
Ans: Angular 8 has advanced and unique features that make sure systematic workflow and performance improvements. It has apparent features like CLI workflow implementation, differential loading, Bazel, Ivy rendering, and dynamic imports for lazy routes.
Step 1:
Before installing Angular IDE using the Angular CLI tool, make sure that Node.js has already installed in your system.
Step 2:
In order to install Angular CLI, use the following commands
Step 3:
To check the node and angular CLI version, run command ng –version on the console terminal.
Ans: Install TypeScript 3.4
Ans: The following are the main features of Bazel:
Ans: The working of typescript in Angular 8 is similar with the enabled and disabled flag, which means if you want to test whether the selected value is an object or not, then the following syntax is used " Typeof value = = = 'object' ". In angular 8 the following types of checks are used such as “Typeof value.ngOnDestroy = = = 'function' “.
Ans: Angular 8 introduced a number of new and unique options to runGuardsAndResolvers. In general, runGuardsAndResolvers is an option that is used for the Angular router configuration in order to control the resolvers and guards.
The first option available in runGuardsAndResolvers is pathParamsChange. Through, this option router will re-run the guards and resolvers. Whenever you want to control the resolvers and guards, use the runGuardsAndResolvers option in Angular 8.
Go through these TOP 5 Angular 7 Interview Questions and Answers to improve your chances of performing well in your next Angular 7 interview.
Ans: Following are the features of Angular 7:
Options refer to the project name, spec value is Boolean, or type of a file
Ans: There are two types of core dependencies in Angular 7: RxJS and TypeScript.
Ans: There are various methods to handle events in Angular 7. The following are a few methods.
Ans: The following are two types of forms in Angular 7:
This section on TOP 6 Angular 6 Interview Questions will present some commonly asked questions and how to answer them.
Declarations: This is one of the key features of Angular for available varieties components or pipes of a single directive for the current module to other directives of the current module. If someone is willing to use some of the same declared components in the current module from other directives then declaration should need to be done properly.
Imports: Helping of availability of other module components in a current module by importing the same.
Providers: It is helping DI for understanding and identifying using values and services.
Ans: In order to generate a module in Angular, cd to the current project directory and enter the below command.
ng g module module_name
Ans: The ngzone is a wrapper for the JavaScript files and denoted by Zone.js. These are the key libraries in which the tracking of asynchronous functions. It helps in creating the context for the functions.
Ans: Constructor: Constructor is one of the default declarations for any specific class or object, it can be called every time when any class instantiated, also ensuring initialization properly of their subclasses and different instance variable fields.
Ngonint: It is one of the first initialize methods using by Angular, mention in the first component of an angular life cycle. It mainly indicated that angular has been completed of creating entire require components properly. It is not mandatory to use but the best practice to use.
Ans: Bazel compiler supports Angular 6 version and when you compile your entire code with the Bazel compiler, it compiles with the necessary code only. The Bazel compiler uses advanced and local distributing cache systems, parallel execution, and optimized dependency analysis.
The following section covers all the popular Angular 5 Interview Questions along with the answers to boost your preparation.
Ans: Angular5 came with a lot of new features that help and attract the developers at any point in time on Angular tasks. The following are the Angular5 new features.
Ans: In Angular5 commands are a little different than before Angular versions:
Component: – ng g component my-new-component
Ans: Angular5 supports four types of data binding. They are as follows:
Ans: To run angular 5 applications locally during the development ngserver command is used. ngserver -p aPortNumber is used to start the development on a specific port.
Ans: Angular 5 component is made of component definition and component decorator of a class. To generate a new component in angular 5, use ng generates component component_name command.
Ans: Below syntax is used to import a module in Angular5.
import { ModuleName } from 'someWhere';
Ans: $event is a reserved keyword that provides the data emitted by an event. It is used as a parameter for event-based methods.
Ans: In Angular 5, double curly brackets are used for data interpolation.
Ans: Event Emitter is one of the classes using to emit custom events.
@output() something changed = new EventEmitter();
@Input(alias): here alias is the component name that needs binding.
Same as @Output (alias).
Here is the list of most frequently asked TOP 10 Angular 4 Interview Questions and Answers that are useful for both freshers and experienced.
Ans: A decorator is an essential concept when developing an angular framework with the angular4. In Angular4 decorators are used to compile the code and also used comprehensively. There are four different types of decorators.
A decorator is a function that is invoked with a prefixed “@” symbol and is immediately followed by property, parameter, methods, and class. A decorator returns the same thing which was given as input but in an augmented form.
Ans: The process of conducting tests on the class or component of the angular in an isolated way, rather than creating dependency in between the components is called isolated unit test. In isolated testing, every component and unit is tested under isolation.
Ans: Pure functions do not change the assigned value and produce the exact output, after assigning the same value multiple times.
Ans: Components are simple classes that are declared as components with the help of component decorators. It becomes easy to create an application that already works, with the help of angular CLI commands. “Ng generate” is used to generate components, routes, services, and pipes. Simple test shells are also created with the help of this CLI command.
For generating a component in angular4 with the help of CLI command, you need to follow the following syntax-
ng generate component component_name;
It generates the component and adds the component to module declarations.
Ans: The following are the component directory structure of Angular4:
Ans: The ngFor directive instantiates a template for every element of the given iterator. The different local variables of the ngFor directive can be used in iterations. The ngFor directive can even be used with the HTML elements.
It also performs various changes in DOM. Several exported values can be aliased to local variables with the help of ngFor directive. It allows us to build data presentation lists and tables in our HTML templates. Here’s an example of ngFor directive with the help of HTML:
<tr *ngFor="hero of heroes">
Ans: Unit testing is all about testing the individual units of code.
As the name implies, the unit test is all about testing individual units of code. In order to answer some questions, isolating the unit of code under the test is really important. When we do this, we are not forced into creating related pieces such as DOM elements for sorting.
With the help of isolated unit tests, it becomes easier to implement everything. To simulate the requests, dependency injections are also provided. The individual sort function can be tested in isolation. And not only the sort function, but any function can also be tested in isolation.
Ans: DSL Animation functions are used for crafting animations in Angular js. Below are list of DSL Animation functions in angular js.
Ans: To include external CSS in Angular 4, open your .angular-cli.json and add your CSS file path in the styles array.
These were the most important TOP 15 Angular 2 Interview questions and answers which were asked in many interviews.
Ans: Angular2 is an entirely revived component-based javascript framework in which an application is coupled with the components. Angular2 is an advanced version of AngularJs and it is a more “all in one” framework so it also helps in creating the websites without struggling with the different AngularJs frameworks.
Angular2 is a modular framework in which our code is partitioned into specific procedures that provide similar functionalities, hence it improves the up-gradation, testing, and maintaining the application. It has plenty of useful features including cross-platform, server-side rendering, and supports many languages than other frameworks.
Ans: Angular2 is a platform that encloses a wide range of competencies. The following are some of the features that are added to Angular2.
Ans: Angular2 components are:
Ans: In Angular2 components are directives that are allied with a template. Components have a well-defined lifecycle, so you can utilize interfaces that allow you to implement functionality for different times in a component's lifecycle.
A component must be NgModule in order to usable by an application or another component. Components can control their run time behavior by using lifecycle hooks.
Declaration of component:
@component ({selector: 'great', template: 'hello {{name}}!'})
Class greet{
Name: string = 'world';
Ans: A directive is an element that is used to customize HTML code. The important directives in Angular 2 are:
Ans: Errors handling feature is available in Angular2 applications. The errors that occurred in the application can be handled by the React JS catch library and also by using the catch function.
Ans: Angular2 is a rewrite version of Angular1. It is not an updated version of angular1. Angular 2 is an extensible version when compared to Angular1. We have listed some features which are different in Angular2 from Angular 1.
Angular 2
Angular 1
It is a mobile development framework
It is not suited for mobile development
In Angular2 there are more language options and we can write code in ES6, ES5, Dart, and Typewriter.
In Angular1 we can write by using ES6, ES5, and Dart.
Angular2 is an extensible framework and it is completely component-based.
It is a controller-based framework.
Ans: There are certain differences between the components and directives in angular2. They are:
A component is a directive with a view.
A directive is a decorator without a view.
Components are the specific type of directive that allows you to utilize the web component functionality throughout the application.
The directive is the mechanism by which we attach behavior to the elements.
It divides the application into smaller components.
It is used to design reusable components.
Components define pipes
Directives cannot define pipes.
A component can be present per DOM element.
A directive is used to add behavior to the existing DOM element.
Ans: ECMAScript stands for European Computer Manufacturer’s Association and it is a standard for scripting languages. It is a subset of Javascript. Javascript and Actionscript use ECMAScript as their core language.
Developers commonly use ECMAScript for client-side scripting on the world wide web and also it is used for server services and applications. ECMAScript includes dynamic, functional, prototype, and structured features.
Ans: Traceur compiler takes generators, classes, and other features from ECMAScript and compiles it into the JavaScript ES5 that runs on the browser. This means developers can utilize the code from the updated version which has more features and design patterns.
Ans: To convert a string input into a currency type we use a currency filter in Angular 2.
Here is an example of adding a currency filter by using pipe character to the expression
The currency of this expression is{{ new value/ currency}}
Ans: Hidden property is one of the special case properties in angular 2. It is used to bind elements from one property to another property. It can set the display property to none.
Ans: There is no such chance of porting the code from Angular1 to Angular2. Till there is no port code. As they are different frameworks, they require some approaches.
Ans: Constructors are used for dependency injection and for initializing class members. Ngonlnit is used for initialization work. Constructor and Ngonlnit methods are called when the component is created. It is essential to know when to use the methods. These methods are used to provide the best structures for your component’s code.
A constructor method is a predefined method in the constructor class which is called when the class is instantiated and also used for initializing the fields. In Angular2 constructors are used to create an instance of the class. When we implement the constructor to use in the class then import the Ngonlnit class.
Ans: Caching of observable data is done with the help of “observable.cache”. We can use caching in order to cache the response in the memory and then, on the next subscription, instead of requesting the remote server again. This operator is used at the end of the string.
Caching is important for performance, especially on bandwidth-restricted devices and slow networks. You should have a good understanding of caching while working with promises but while translating it to observable, it is a bit difficult.
Therefore, when interacting with observables, we typically set up a subscription on the consumer side and react to values coming through the pipe. We can easily add caching to the observables by adding publishReplay(1) and refCount.
Ans: AngularJs is an open-source JavaScript framework that helps to build high scale and extensible web applications. It works with HTML and JavaScript. All the components can be mentioned clearly in the applications using HTML. It is best for single web page applications. It is used in the combination of HTML UI elements with JavaScript objects.
Ans: Angular is a typescript and an open-source web application that is maintained by Google and a community of individuals. It provides a platform to develop web-based applications. Angular integrates a range of features like dependency injection, declarative templates, end-to-end tooling, and various other features that helps to smoothen the development path.
AngularJs architecture is based on
Angular architecture is based on
MVC architecture.
It uses JavaScript to build the application.
It uses TypeScript to build the application.
It is purely based on the “Scope” or “Controller” concept.
It is based on hierarchy components.
It is not a mobile-friendly framework.
It is a mobile-friendly framework.
It is difficult to create SEO-friendly application development.
It is easy to create SEO-friendly application development.
In AngularJS, code can be written by using ES5, ES6, and Dart.
In Angular, code can be written by using ES5, ES6, TypeScript.
AngularJS works on the client-side like HTML/javascript.
Angular 2 works on the server-side and client-side.
It initializes the application by using ng-app and bootstrap functions.
Angular initializes the application by using a bootstrap module() function.
Specific ng required for an event and the image/property
Uses [] for property binding and () to bind an event.
It doesn’t support the dependency injection concept.
It supports the hierarchy dependency injection
For routing config $routeprovider.when() is used
For routing config @RouteConfig{(…)} is used
Ans: AngularJs is completely free and open-source, hence used by many developers around the world. AngularJS is a highly extensible JavaScript framework, which creates strong web applications. It helps to enable HTML as a template language and AngularJS handles the code for each application written on the web page. It enables the developer to create high performable applications over the internet.
Ans: Scope means an application model in AngularJs. It acts as an interface between views and application controllers. These scopes are arranged sequentially and reflect DOM(Document Object Model).
Ans: In Angular, $scope objects are organized into a hierarchy, and they are majorly used by the views. It contains the root scope, and every root scope has one or more child scopes. Each view has its own $scope so that variables set by its view controller will remain invisible to other controllers. Generally, the scope hierarchy looks as below.
Root $scope
$scope for Controller 1
$scope for Controller 2
$scope for Controller ‘n’
Ans: In Angular,$scope is used for implementing the concept of dependency injection (D.I); on the other hand, the Scope is used for directive linking.
$scope is provided by $scopeProvider, which can be injected into controllers, directives, or other services, whereas Scope can be anything such as a function parameter name, etc.
Ans: Services are the singleton functions and objects in Angular Js which are used to carry out specific tasks. These are logical and the functions of services can be called controllers, filters, and directives.
Ans: AngularJs extend the HTML with new attributes to create directives. Angularjs has a set of built-in directives that provide functionalities to your applications. It allows you to create directives to develop your applications. These are the distinctive attributes with ng-prefix, that notifies the AngularJs compiler to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element.
The following are the AngularJs built-in directives:
In this article, you’ll learn more about the most important built-in directives in Angular, which helps you to create an angularJs application.
Ans: Typescript is an open-source programming language led by Microsoft, and it is a structural superset that adds optional classes, types, and many other features. The typescript compiler is itself written the code in the typescript and compiled in the Javascript.
It is used to develop Javascript applications for both client-side and server-side execution. Typescript is a primary language for angular apps development, and you can install it globally by using the following syntax:
Let’s look at an example.
function greeter(Name: string)
return "Hai, " + Name;
let user = "Suneel";
document.body.innerHTML = greeter(user);
Ans: The main building blocks of Angular are modules, components, templates, metadata, data binding, directives, services, and dependency injection.
Ans: The following are the advantages of Angular:
Ans: AngularJs DOM manipulation is performed in controllers, directives, and services.
Ans: Html tags have some content between the tags, for example
<p> Hai! Welcome! </p>
Now, consider the following instance of having the custom text between the angular tags
<app-work> this tag doesn’t work like HTML tag until you use ng-content directive </app-work>
Ans: Angular expressions are used to bind the application data to HTML. It displays the data exactly at the place where the expression is placed. The expression can be written inside double braces: {{expression}}
Ans: Data Binding: It synchronizes the data between the model and view components.
Ans: Due to Javascript Angular has few limitations. The following are the limitations:
AngularJs does not support Internet Explorer 8.0.
Ans: A single-page application is a website or a web application that interacts with the users dynamically. It rewrites the current page instead of loading the entire page from the server.
Authentication: Authenticate API verifies, user login credentials that are present in the server. After completion of the validation, it returns JWT (JSON Web Token) to the users. The JWT token has current user information and it identifies the users. This is called authentication.
Authorization: Every user has a different level of resource access. While some users have access to all the resources, others may have access to a few files or resources. This is called authorization.
In order to build authentication, on the client we need to build the login page and on the server, we should build an API endpoint to validate the user. When the user clicks on the login button.
AngularJs is an open-source framework based on a front-end web application
BackboneJs is a lightweight javascript with RestFul JSON interface, and it offers a framework based on MVC
It provides intense performance for big/large pages as it processes the two-way data binding.
It also provides more impactful performance than AngularJs for small pages, but for large pages, it is not preferred as it does not offer any data binding.
It works on MVC
It works on MVP
architecture and it uses two-way data binding to lead the application activity.
architecture, and it does not provide any data binding process to drive the application activity.
| |
To understand the application at the function level, AngularJs offers templating through the dynamic HTML attributes which are added to the document.
BackboneJs provides an underscore template that is not fully featured as angularJs templates.
It prefers unit testing for large applications.
It prefers swift testing for small or single-page applications.
AnuglarJs has extensive documentation libraries and large community support.
BackboneJs also have great community support.
Complexity |
AngularJs is a bit complex than BackboneJs because it implements two-way data binding.
BackboneJs is simple because it does not provide data binding.
Ans: Routes in AngularJS helps to create different URLs for different contents in the applications. This enables the user to bookmark a specified content that is needed. This bookmarked URL is called Route.
Ans: Value refers to a simple object, it may be a number, character, and string. The value should always belong to a model and these are injected into controllers, factories, and services. Adding value to the controller is possible by assigning parameters with the same name as the value.
Ans: A linking function links the directives with the scope to produce a view. To register and update DOM handlers, the linking functions are very important. There are two types of linking functions, they are:
Pre-linking functions: This function is executed before the process of child elements linking. Here we can’t transform the DOM.
Post-linking functions: This function is executed after the linking process of child elements. In these functions, the transformation of DOM is done safely.
Ans: Templates in AngularJs are an HTML file that is enriched or filled with the AngularJs stuff like directives and attributes. A directive is an essential element that is used to specify a particular class or attribute to know its behavior according to the user's needs.
The controller and model in angular are combined with the templates to handle the user views. Angular templates can also include Form controls, Expressions, CSS, and Filters.
Ans: In angular, string interpolation is a syntax that uses to display the component data on the HTML template at the end-user. It facilitates you to fetch the data from the Html template file and also to make changes on the component.ts file. It is represented with the double curly braces ({{ }} ).
Ans: In angular, annotations are the only metadata set of classes using the reflect metadata library and use to create the annotation array. On the other hand, decorators are also called design patterns and it is used for separating modifications or decorations of the classes without changing the original source code.
Ans: The provider is a unique and critical feature of Angular. It is an instruction to the dependency injection system and provides the data to obtain values for the dependency. A provider is an object that has a $get method to create a new instance service. To register new providers it uses the $provide method and other additionals methods.
Ans: Yes, angular support nested controllers concept. Nested controllers are needed to demonstrate the hierarchy manner for using it in the view.
Ans: Below are the major difference between jQuery and Angular :
AngularJs is tough to understand
Jquery is easy to understand.
AngularJs support two-way binding
Jquery does not support any data binding process
Angular support deep linking routing
Jquery does not support deep linking routing
In angular components are the building blocks for UI in the application
Jquery components are Jquery UI which are a set of effects, user interface, themes, and widgets on
Ans: In AngularJS, the dependency injection is a software mechanism in which the components are given their dependencies instead of hard codes. It helps in maintaining a component as reusable and extensible. It provides key components like value, service, constant, provider, and factory in which the dependencies are injected from one to the other.
Ans: Angular Material is a UI component library that helps to build an attractive functional web application, consistent, and web pages while sticking to the web design principles like device independence, graceful degradation, and browser portability. It helps in creating wonderful, responsive, and attractive websites.
Ans: Angular ahead of time AOT compiler converts your typescript code and angular Html into the javascript code during the build phase before the browser download and runs the code. Before developing the process, compile your application; it provides a faster rendering in the browser.
Ans: Data binding is a powerful and essential feature in any software development language. It allows us to demonstrate communication between view and component. The following are the different types of data binding:
One-way data-binding:
Two-way data-binding:
Ans: The digest cycle in angular triggers the values when the model or view changed and the cycle sets off the watchers to match the new values. The digest cycle automatically runs the code when the code encounters the directives.
The scope of the digest cycle is limited to the AngularJs context. $apply() or $digest() is required to synchronize the changes in the model and view that happen outside the angular framework.
Ans: Angular filters allow us to format the data in order to display the data on UI without changing the original format of the data. It is possible to add these filters to directives, templates, controllers, and services. Filters can be used with the directives or expressions using pipe symbol(|)
{{expression | filterName:parameter }}
Various types of filter are enumerated as follows
Formats numeric data as text with comma and fraction.
Formats numeric data into specified currency format and fraction.
Formats date to a string in the specified format.
Converts string to uppercase.
Converts string to lowercase.
Filters an array based on specified criteria and returns a new array.
Sorts an array based on specified predicate expression.
Converts JavaScript object into a JSON string
Returns a new array containing a specified number of elements from an existing array.
Ans: ngOnInit () is a lifecycle hook that is called after completion of initializing all data-bound properties of a directive. It is defined as:
Interface OnInit
ngOnInit () : void
unction Dummy(target) {
dummy.log('This decorator is Dummy', target);
Ans: The Typescript code is not understandable by the browsers. So, the typescript code is compiled and translated into the javascript code; this process is called trans-piled.
Ans: ViewEncapsulation identifies the component styles and demonstrates whether the particular component will affect the entire application or not. It also enables us to use the DOM shadow. Angular provides 3 types of ViewEncapsulation.
Ans: Typescript gains much popularity in recent years. It is a superset of Javascript. The issue with the javascript is, it does not support OOP language and does not follow proper prototype patterns. In Javascript, it is a tough task to handle the errors in the code, but in typescript, it is easy for the team to handle the errors.
Ans: the view that a user sees in the browser.
Ans: To implement the animation in an angular application, a user needs to include an angular library known as Animate Library. Then you must refer ngAnimate module in your application or add if your application has a name, add ngAnimate as a dependency inside your application module.
Angular library:
<script src=""></script>
<body ng-app=”ngAnimate”>
Ans: The transclusion in Angular allows you to shift the original children of a directive into a specific location within a new template. The ng directive indicates the insertion point for a transcluded DOM of the nearest parent directive that is using transclusion. Attribute directives like ng-transclude or ng-transclude-slot are mainly used for transclusion.
Ans: In angular, a module is a process to group directives, pipes, services, and components that are related, in such a way that they can blend with other modules to create an application.
app.module.ts root module declared with @NgModule decorator as below,
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
@NgModule ({
imports: [ BrowserModule ],
declarations: [ AppComponent ],
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
export class AppModule { }
Ans: Angular has a lifecycle from initialization to the end of the application. The following are the lifecycle hooks of angular.
Purpose and Timing
This method accepts a SimpleChanges() object of previous and current property values and retorts when Angular resets the data-bound input properties — called before ngOnInit() more than one data-bound input properties change.
This method initializes the components after angular displays the data-bound properties and sets the component's input properties. Called ngOnchanges() method.
This method identifies and acts upon the changes that Angular can’t detect on its own. This method called during the changes and after ngOnchanges() and ngOnInit() methods.
This method addressed the Angular external content projects and called after the ngDoCheck() method.
This method responds after Angular checks the projected content into the components. And it is also called after the ngAfterContentInit() method and every subsequent ngDoCheck() methods.
This method responds after Angular initialized the child's views that are in directives. It is called after ngAfterContentChecked() method.
This method also checks the component’s view that is in the directives. It is called after ngAfterContentChecked() method.
This method cleans the data before Angular
Ans: Angular metadata is used to decorate a class that demonstrates the expected behavior of the class. The following are various parts of the metadata.
1. Class decorator: @NgModule and @Component
import { NgModule, Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-component',
template: '<div>Class decorator</div>',
export class MyComponent {
constructor() {
console.log('Hey I am a component!');
imports: [],
declarations: [],
export class MyModule {
constructor() {
console.log('Hey I am a module!');
2. Method decorators: It is used for methods inside the classes. Eg: @HostListner.
import { Component, HostListener } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-component',
template: '<div>Method decorator</div>'
export class MyComponent {
@HostListener('click', ['$event'])
onHostClick(event: Event) {
// clicked, `event` available
3. Parameter decorators: It is used for parameters inside the class constructors, eg- @Inject.
import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core';
import { MyService } from './my-service';
selector: 'my-component',
template: '<div>Parameter decorator</div>'
export class MyComponent {
constructor(@Inject(MyService) myService) {
console.log(myService); // MyService
4. Property decorators: It is used for properties inside the classes, eg- @Inside, @Outside.
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'my-component',
template: '<div>Property decorator</div>'
export class MyComponent {
title: string;
Ans: Angular CLI is known as the command line interface tool, which is used to build, initialize, and maintain the Angular apps. This CLI tool can be used through an interactive UI such as Angular Console or directly through a command shell.
Ans: In angular, pipes are a simple way to transform the data. It takes the values like integers, arrays, strings, and data as input and divided with pipe(|) symbol to convert the data in the required format, and it displays the same in the browser. In angular, there are some in-built pipes, but you can also develop your own pipes.
The below code clearly shows you the difference.
Save the following code as app.component.html
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Hai Mindmajix!';
The following lines of code go into the app.component.html file.
<b>{{title | uppercase}}</b><br/>
<b>{{title | lowercase}}</b>
Ans: In angular, pipes can take multiple parameters to tune the fine output. The parameterized pipe can develop by declaring the pipe with colon(:) and then parameter values. Users can declare multiple parameter values by separating each value with the colon(:).
Let’s quickly build a simple pipe example to see its action.
{{today | date:'MM-dd-yyyy' }}
In the below code there are multiple parameter values, that are separated from the colons.
{{salary | currency:'USD':true}}
Output: $420
Ans: A chaining pipe is used to perform multiple functions within a single expression. Each parameter is divided with the pipe (|) symbol.
The chained hero's birthday is
{{ birthday | date | uppercase}}
It displays the data as FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2019
In the same way, we can give multiple values to the parameters as shown in the below code.
The chained hero's birthday is
{{ birthday | date:'fullDate: yy/mm/dd' | uppercase}}
Now, it displays the data as FRIDAY, 19/04/15
Ans: In angular, you can create reusable pipes to transform the values. The following code is an example of custom pipes.
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
* Raise the value exponentially
* Takes an exponent argument that defaults to 1.
* Usage:
* value | exponentialStrength:exponent
* Example:
* {{ 2 | exponentialStrength:10 }}
* formats to: 1024
@Pipe({name: 'exponentialStrength'})
export class ExponentialStrengthPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: number, exponent?: number): number {
return Math.pow(value, isNaN(exponent) ? 1 : exponent);
Ans: REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. Rest is an API(Application program interface) style that works on the HTTP request. The requested url identifies the data that need to proceed.
Ans: Angular Global API is a combination of global JavaScript functions for performing various common tasks like:
There are some common Angular Global API functions like:
Ans: For using cookies in Angular, you need to include a module called ngCookies angular-cookies.js.
To set Cookies: For setting the cookies in a key-value format ‘put’ method is used.
{{ birthday | date:'fullDate: yy/mm/dd' | uppercase}}
To get Cookies: For retrieving the cookies ‘get’ method is used.
To clear Cookies: For removing cookies ‘remove’ method is used.
Ans: Pure pipe detects the change in the value or parameters that passed through a pipe symbol. For example, any changes made in the input values like strings, integers, booleans or in the object reference like array, function, objects.
Impure pipe detects every change in the expression whether it is parameter or value, it also detects the changes in the keystroke and mouse-move.
Ans: In a factory method, first, a factory of objects is defined and then methods are implied to those factories, whereas in the service method, the services are created to define a specific task.
Ans: Routing is a process of merging views. The controller decides which view should be merged based on the logical need.
Ans: When a page has loaded in the browser, the following process takes place:
We tried to cover all the important questions and hope that this article has helped you to understand the Angular interview questions from basics to advanced level.
This list of Angular interview questions and answers will help you to clear any Angular interview confidently and successfully.
Please comment us in the below section if we missed any Angular Questions that you faced in the interview. Our team will help you to know the answer.
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Usha Sri Mendi is a Senior Content writer with more than three years of experience in writing for Mindmajix on various IT platforms such as Tableau, Linux, and Cloud Computing. She spends her precious time on researching various technologies, and startups. Reach out to her via LinkedIn and Twitter.
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