Are you an aspiring PHP Developer or Symfony Developer? Are you in the interview preparation phase for the same? Are you on the lookout for a platform to practice Symfony Interview Questions? Then you are on the right path! You will find a perfect compilation of Symfony Interview Questions here. Before we proceed, let's take a brief look at the overview of Symfony.
Symfony was first launched in October 2005. It is an open-source and back-end web app framework that is a collection of reusable PHP libraries. In fact, it is one of the topmost PHP frameworks mostly used for building microservices, web apps, APIs, and websites. A simple toolkit is provided for the same to developers by Symfony. The MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern is followed by Symfony.
This overview was just as important as would be the following questions. And it could be asked as an Symfony interview question as well.
Let's browse through the following insightful facts about Symfony -
We have categorized Symfony Interview Questions - 2024 (Updated) into 3 levels they are:
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You can convert a PHP object into a specific format such as JSON, XML, Binary, etc., using the Serializer component in Symfony.
To clear the cache in Symfony, you can use the command - "cache:pool:clear."
This command will help you delete all the data from the project storage directory. Symfony has three default cache clearers, and they are as follows:
During the page redirections, FlashBag is used to hold the data.
In the Symfony framework, Annotations are used to map doctrine details as well as configure validation. They are easily usable. There are two additional bundles also - JMSSecurityExtraBundle and SensioFrameworkExtraBundle in Symfony's standard edition. Better annotation support is provided by them. Annotations for cache, template, routing, controller configuration, security, etc., can be used with the help of these bundles.
Symfony controller is a class method. The information is obtained from the request of HTTP for constructing and returning a response in HTTP by this controller. Distinct responses could be there, such as a 404 error, an HTML page, a JSON array (serialized), an XML file, a redirect, etc.
Around 30% of the Laravel framework uses Symfony components internally. So yes, Laravel is built on Symfony.
In Symfony, an environment contains the configurations used for running an app. Two default environments in Symfony are as follows:
To install and run the Symfony framework, your server will require the following requirements:
A controller in Symfony is capable of doing anything virtually inside the Symfony framework. A controller in Symfony can be used for various tasks such as forward, redirect, and access core services as well as render templates.
There are two kinds of bundles available in the Symfony framework:
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In Symfony, the createFromGlobals() method is used to create a request object.
Sandboxing, whitespace controlling, and automatic HTML escaping are the functions performed by Twig. It is a powerful templating language of Symfony.
Symfony 2.0 is a PHP-written web framework that is full-stack. Web development problems are solved by this reusable collection of PHP components that are cohesive and decoupled. Complete use of advanced features like ESI is allowed by it for separating different application parts.
Unique HTTP and HTTP cache handling were introduced by Symfony 2.0 since it is an HTTP-centric response or request framework.
A PHP-built Symfony fast reverse proxy empowers Symfony 2.0. This seamless upgrade gives a 10-20x boost to speed. And robust cache is handled in a much better way by Symfony 2.0.
A quick way for writing template inputs is provided by the form helpers in Symfony. A list of some form helpers is given below:
The cache adapters available in Symfony are:
Symfony denies the user access when an unauthorized user tries to access a web application. It throws a 403 HTTP status and shows an error page.
Symfony, by default, uses a twig template engine. Twig is a fast, secure, flexible, and open-source template engine for PHP. It originates its syntax from Jinja and Django templates. It is maintained by Fabien Potencier and licensed under BSD. However, the user is free to use plain PHP code if they want.
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All the Symfony logs are stored in the log directory of the project.
createFromGlobals() method is used to create a request object in Symfony.
To get the current route in Symfony, you can use the following code:
>get("_route"); //OR with Twig {{ app.request.attributes.get('_route') }}
The given command needs to be run in the console for installing Symfony with the help of Composer:
composer create-project Symfony/framework-standard-edition my_project_name.
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In Symfony, we use the method- "SessionInterface" for setting and getting sessions. For instance:
public function sessionAction(SessionInterface $session)
// to store an attribute for reusing later
$session->set('user_id', 5);
// to get the attribute that is set by another controller in some other request
$user_id = $session->get('user_id');
Symfony 2.0 can be installed by the use of the following syntax:
Windows need the given syntax:
php -r "readfile('');" > symfony
MacOS and Linux need the given syntax:
sudo mkdir
p /usr/local/bin
sudo curl
LsS -
o /usr/local/bin/symfony
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/symfony
The given additions are there in Symfony 2.0:
In Symfony, the registerBundles() method of the Kernel class is used for enabling bundles.
In Symfony Session, the class is used to working with sessions. All functions of the native PHP sessions can be performed by this class. An example of creating as well as removing sessions in Symfony is given below.
Creating Session in Symfony:
$session = new Session();
Setting Session in Symfony
$session->set('user_id', 200);
Getting session in Symfony
Removing / Destroying session in Symfony
For obtaining the request parameters, we can use the method - $request -> query -> get ('parameter_name') in Symfony 2.0.
In Symfony, the given general rules are followed to create Methods inside the controller:
In Symfony, the Email Type syntax is as follows:
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\EmailType;
$builder->add('token', EmailType::class, array(
'data' => 'abcdef', ));
A controller can be created in Symfony 2.0 by the extension of the class - “AbstractActionControllerb”. For instance:
use Zend\Mvc\Controller\AbstractActionController;
use Zend\View\Model\ViewModel;
class IndexController extends AbstractActionController {
public function indexAction() {
return new ViewModel();
In Symfony, we can get the request parameters using the following method:
$request = $this->container->get('request');
The following syntax is used for checking valid email addresses:
Use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
class Student {
* @Assert\Email(
* message = "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email.",
* checkMX = true
* )
protected $email;
8000 is the default port in Symfony.
Action in Symfony 2 can be created in the Symfony 2.0 controller with the help of given commands:
public function indexAction()
return $this->render('user/index.html.twig', [ ]);
The given method is used by Symfony for handling a server-side request of Ajax:
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
// Ajax request
} else {
// Normal request
No, the directory structure of bundles is not fixed in Symfony.
app/config/routing.yml is the file of routing configuration that is set as default in Symfony 2.0.
If you already have access to the command line, then you can directly use the PHP bin/console of the command to view the installed version of the Symfony framework.
You can install this version of Symfony in the given file - "symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpKernel/Kernel.php".
The major companies that use Symfony are listed below-
The main advantages of using the Symfony framework are given below -
Symfony Components are reusable libraries that are the foundation of almost all main PHP projects. The objectives of this open-source software are maintaining web apps, replacing repetitive coding, speeding up the creation, building vigorous enterprise apps, and offering developers complete configuration control.
A Symfony bundle collects the folders and files that are arranged in a specific manner. You can use these bundles in several applications. Usually, the "AppBundle" contains the package of the main application. There are app-specific bundles available also, like BlogBundle. You can't share these bundles with other apps. But you can use the general bundle as a particular part of your app. The common files and structure of bundles are as follows:
Some major competitors and alternatives to Symfony are listed below:
Symfony supports various web servers that are given below:
No, Symfony does not support components to work with the databases.
The files of Routing configuration can be written in the technologies such as:
In Symfony, Descriptors are objects that are used to render documentation and information on the console.
Several Symfony framework applications are there, such as:
PHP is considered one of the most popular platforms for developing applications and websites. And among various frameworks supporting it, Symfony is one of the best application and web frameworks. It is used widely by companies across the world due to its features, especially interoperability. Therefore, a wide array of opportunities is available for Symfony Developers in the market. And so does the competition. Hence, it makes total sense to prepare beforehand and not to be left behind. And we wish this compilation of Symfony Interview Questions and Answers will take you closer to being successful.
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