UiPath Interview Questions

UiPath offers excellent career prospects for individuals interested in automation and process improvement. If you are preparing for a UiPath job, then this is the best platform for you to prepare from. Our set of UiPath interview questions are framed by experts from top companies who have mastered the skills of this popular tool. So, here is a list of UiPath questions that most companies ask before selecting professionals.

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Whether you are a fresher or an experienced professional looking for the UiPath interview questions, then you are at the correct place. Robotic process automation has been gaining popularity over the years and has been deployed by organizations across the globe. Uipath is a chief robotic process automation vendor and helps organizations in successfully automating their business processes. There are a lot of opportunities available for the people who learn UiPath.  

If you are going to attend RPA UiPath interview, then we are here to help you out with the frequently asked UiPath Interview Questions and Answers. Here we have collected a group of questions based on the opinions of the Uipath experts. 

If you have attended any UiPath interviews earlier or have additional interview questions that you have not found in this blog, please do comment on them in the comment section, and we will answer them at the earliest. Let's get into the UiPath interview questions and answers.

Top 10 Frequently asked UiPath Interview Questions 

Below mentioned are the Top Frequently asked UiPath Interview Questions and Answers that will help you to prepare for the UiPath interview. Let's have a look at them.

  1. What is UiPath?
  2. What is RPA?
  3. List the benefits of using RPA?
  4. What are the main phases of the RPA life cycle?
  5. What would be the actual time to build an operational agility framework?
  6. What makes UiPath different from Selenium?
  7. Explain the difference between the chatbot and RPA?
  8. List out the basic requirements of RPA to automate front and backend processes?
  9. What are the main elements to consider during the phase of Automation?

UiPath Interview Questions For Freshers

1. What is Ui Path?

Uipath is an Automation company founded in 2005 by Daniel Dines and Marius Tirca. It is an automation tool used for automating the repetitive works of Windows desktops. UiPath is the simplest automation tool that automates repetitive and tedious tasks and eliminates human intervention. 

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2. What is the RPA - Robotic Process Automation? 

Robotic Process Automation is the process of training robots and making them act like human beings to perform tedious and time-consuming tasks. In this process, Robots are trained enough to accomplish specific works on their own based on the predefined rules and regulations. 

3. List the benefits of Using RPA?

There are a lot of benefits one can avail from employing robotic process automation: 

  • Cost-saving: It reduces the workforce by automating repetitive tasks thereby you can reduce the cost 
  • More efficient results in less time: They never make mistakes as humans do. Once you provide them with the correct data, with proper rules and regulations, they will execute the same without any errors.
  • No coding needed: To automate any process or application with robotic process automation, we need not write any lengthy codes. Sometimes, it can be done by using a limited code. 
  • Easy to use: As specified in the above paragraph, the code required for automating tasks is so that anyone can operate the UiPath.
Related Article: Top Open Source RPA Tools

4. What are the main Phases of the RPA life cycle?

Mainly, we have four stages in the RPA life cycle, and they are 

  • Analysis: This is the first and foremost stage in which the business teams and architect teams come together. 
  • Bot development: In this phase, the development team will work together to identify and build the bots. 
  • Testing:  In this phase, the developed process is tested to know the quality levels and to find defects. 
  • Supporting & maintenance: At this stage, the automated process is monitored keenly, and if anything wrong happens, the support team will resolve it quickly

5. What would be the actual time to build an operational agility framework? 

The average time that it takes to build operational agility is ranged between 4 to 12 weeks from the date of project commencement.

6. What makes UiPath different from Selenium? 

Selenium is a popular testing tool and used to test various websites and applications. When it comes to the integration part, it is not possible to integrate with other applications. It is even impossible to work with virtual environments like Citrix etc. when it comes to UiPath, and it is a Robot Process Automation tool designed to automate the works that are earlier performed by human beings. Using UiPath, one can automate complex tasks with minimum code requirements.

7. Explain the difference between the chatbot and RPA?

There is a big difference between a chatbot and an RPA. 

Chatbot: A bot is pre-programmed software that acts similarly to a human being. These chatbots help the visitors to take some intended actions. The best thing about chatbots is that they learn from past experiences and act according to the situation. 

RPA (Robotic process automation): RPA is a broader concept and chatbot is a very narrow or sub-topic of RPA. RPA is used to automate complex processes but chatbots can not.

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8. List out the basic requirements of RPA to automate front and backend processes?

RPA is a well-known and robust technology to automate both frontend and backend tasks without compromising on quality and security standards. It is effortless to use and automates the frontend and backend tasks. All most of all the automation processes of the backend, as well as the front end, are similar to each other, and the users don't need to worry about it. The configurations are easy to deploy and maintain. 

9. What are the main elements to consider during the phase of Automation?

Once you are done with the right Automation tool that works for you, the next thing that you need to do is selecting the best framework. You need to choose the different items which are tagged as In Scope and Out Scope that are preferred based on the type of task. The next thing we need to consider is the test environment, and deliverables identification is also one of the significant factors to consider.

10. What is meant by information collection in RPA?

In RPA, robots need raw data or information to execute the functions that they are assigned. As they can reliably perform the tasks based on the information collected from various sources, we can even have a chance to feed the data to robots manually. 

Related Article: RPA Questions and Answers

11. Explain about a thick client and a thin client? 

Thin client: It is an application in which we cannot get all properties that we needed while using the RPA tool. Example: Citrix. 

Thick client: Thick client is an application in which you will get a hand full of attributes that are required for using the RPA tool, for example, Internet Explorer, calculator, etc. 

12. Explain value and data types in UIPath? 

Variables are used in UiPath to store the data, and you can even change the value of a variable. The data which gets stored in the variable may be in different forms. When it comes to UiPath, we do have various data types which are text, number, time, date, universal value, and data tables. 

UiPath Interview Questions For Experienced

13. What are the flowchart activities in UiPath?  

The flowchart is generally used for general settings purposes in UiPath. You can use these flow charts for various types of projects despite their complexity and length. Flowcharts help organizations in building and segregating logical operations, building complex business models, and integrate various things. 

14. Explain about Flow Switch in UiPath?

Flow chart and flow switch both have the same features, but the only difference is the flow switch has an extra feature called “flow step” which is not restricted by true or false branch. 

15. What do you mean by sequence activities in UiPath? 

The sequence is defined as a small type of project which clears the path from switching from one activity to another with ease. It acts as a single activity of block, and you can re-use these blocks for any number of times. 

16. What is the State of a machine? 

A machine needs to undergo various states while executing a single task. And these different states are known as machine states. It switches into different states if the action is triggered. 

17. What is the procedure to create a Project in UiPath? 

If you want to create a Project in UiPath, the first thing that you need to do is create a folder with your name and then select a location to save it. The folder which you have created will automatically get stored in the default directory.

Related Article: UIpath Tutorial for Beginners

18. How many types of recordings do we have in UiPath and explain each of them? 

We have four types of recordings in UiPath, which are essential, desktop, web, and Citrix. 

  • Basic: It helps in generating the full selector for each activity but contains no container. So the automation process in this recording is much slower, but it best suits single operations. 
  • Desktop: This is suitable for multiple actions and desktop apps. It is much faster when compared to basic and has container and partial selector features as well. 
  • WEB:  It is mainly used for recording web pages and for browsing. It can create its container. 
  • Citrix: It helps in recording virtualized environments, keyboard automation, images, and permit texts. 

19. What is the need to perform the data scraping in UiPath?  

Data scripting is a technique used to extract structured data from the web or any other application and saves the same to a database or spreadsheet or.CSV file. Structured data is a form of information that is understandable and predictable. In UiPath, we use the scraping wizard to extract the structured data.

20. What is meant by assigned activity in UiPath?   

Assign activity in UiPath helps in assigning the values to different variables. In the majority of the cases, they are used when the value of a variable needs to be increased or when the loop is presented over there. Here you have two options, after adding the value you can store the values in the same variable, or else you can save it in the other array. 

21. Explain about do while activity in UiPath?

Do while is a condition in UIPath that executes a specific part of automation if the condition is true. If the condition is false, then the condition will not be achieved.  It is used to execute a particular activity many numbers of times. 

22. Explain If activity in UiPath? 

If activity is mainly used for comparing the two values and compares two activities. In this process, the two conditions are compared if the first condition is satisfied then it returns as a true otherwise it returns false. If the variable contains the values, then if the statement is used. 

23. What is meant by switch activity in UiPath?

The switch activity is used to switch from one value to another based on the values specified in the expression. The switch integer argument activity is the default, but here we have a chance to change them by simply clicking on the properties panel, and you can select the argument that is needed. 

24. What is meant by break activity in UiPath? 

The break activity in UiPath is used to stop a particular loop at any given point, and you can use that time to do other activities.

25. Explain about the Package manager in UiPath? 

 A package manager is a bundle of various elements that help to automate the process. A package manager includes various things such as libraries, frameworks, wrappers.

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UiPath FAQs

26. What is the effective process to Log into UiPath?

  • For each activity, there should be a login. 
  • There should be a trace process to know the operations and to correct the errors. 
  • You can specify the login as per your needs in the production environment.

27. How could you handle the credentials in UiPath? 

Below mentioned are specific proven ways to handle the credentials.

  • You can do it by using a credential manager on your window.
  • You can also store the details in Orchester as the credential variable type. 
  • You can either use input boxing to get secure text activity

28. For what purpose UiPath Robotic Enterprise Framework template is used? 

  • It acts as a starting point for each project. 
  • It will be used as a source for the front office Robots.
  • The framework acts as a queue in orchester.

29. Explain automatic recording in UiPath? 

Here in UiPath, you can have a facility to record the actions automatically. It can be free to customize and parameterized. Following are the steps that are generated for recording the actions automatically, which are a click, type into, check select items.

30. What would be the procedure to extract the data from the database?

We can extract the data by using Linq. 

31. How can we connect and read the database? 

With the help of Database connectivity, we can connect to the database and read the decentralized data activity. 

32. List OCR (Optical character recognition)  engines available in UIPath?  

Below mentioned are the OCR engines available in UiPath.

  • Google 
  • Abby‘’
  • Microsoft 

33. Name the activity that we use to extract text from an image? 

Using Orc activity, we can extract text from the image. 

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34. List the Error handling activities available in UiPath?

  • Terminate workflow
  • Try Catch
  • Throw
  • Catch 

35. What are the basic differences between UiPath and Automation Anywhere?

UiPath Vs Automation AnyWhere
FeaturesUipathAutomation Anywhere
LearningVisual designBasic developer
ReusabilityCode ReusabilityCode Reusability
Cognitive CapabilityNot so cognitiveModerately cognitive
ReliabilityModerately reliableHighly reliable
RobotsFullStack robotsFull Stack Robots
Operational ScalabilityScalability recommended for small projects onlyHighly scalable for small and mediums
Process DesignerVisual process designer toolScripting is done to design the process
ArchitectureWeb-based integrationThe architecture includes client and server
AccessSupports browser and mobile app.Supports access through app only
PricingAggressive, attractive entry-level pricingThe higher cost of deployment
Explore more about different RPA tools @ RPA Tool Comparison


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UiPath TrainingMar 22 to Apr 06View Details
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Last updated: 07 Oct 2024
About Author

Vinod M is a Big data expert writer at Mindmajix and contributes in-depth articles on various Big Data Technologies. He also has experience in writing for Docker, Hadoop, Microservices, Commvault, and few BI tools. You can be in touch with him via LinkedIn and Twitter.

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