Are you an aspiring software developer or computer programmer? Are you going to appear for its interview shortly? Are you looking for ways to prepare yourself better? Then you must focus on Array Interview Questions. For any developer or programmer, intensive knowledge of arrays is a must. So we are here today to provide you with Array Interview Questions that have high chances of getting asked.
An array is the type of data structure that contains a set of elements in a tabular format. Each of its elements is associated with at least one key or index. Storing a few elements of data in multiple variables is no big problem. But consider storing, say 5,000 or 10,000 values. Can you still do it individually for each element? It's not at all an efficient way of storing values. There arises the dire need for arrays in programming where you can store the values in a single variable. Also, an array makes it super easy to sort as well as search any value of data. And the most important thing is that multiple values can be processed instantly in an array.
Almost every programming language supports arrays in the data structure. And the ones that don't have arrays support similar data structures with different names, such as lists.
We will explore Array Interview Questions- 2023 (updated) and answers separately for the given two categories:
Top 10 Array Interview Questions
Traverse, Insertion, Deletion, Search, Search, and Update are the basic operations of arrays.
A thing with characteristics is represented by an object. On the other hand, data is stored in an array in a single variable. Items can be accessed, changed, and deleted with dots and brackets from objects. In arrays, zero-based indexing and various built-in methods are used to access and modify items.
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No, we can't pass a negative number as the size of an array. If we try to do so, NegativeArraySizeException will be obtained.
The initiation of an array takes the default value in the given manner:
This is an exception of runtime. For instance, only string elements can be stored in a String Array. And if we try inserting an integer element in it, ArrayStoreException will occur.
Arrays having different lengths are contained in Jagged Arrays. They are also referred to as multi-dimensional arrays sometimes.
We can copy any array into another using the given four methods:
This is an exception of run time. This occurs when an invalid index is tried to be accessed by the program. Usually, a negative index and an index higher than the array size fall under invalid indexes.
Array | ArrayList |
There is a fixed or static size of an array that can't be altered once declared. | The size of ArrayList is dynamic and not static. As we add elements, the size automatically increases. |
Both objects of a class and primitive data are contained in it. | Object entries are contained in ArrayList but not primitive data types. |
There is no Generics feature in an array. | There is a Generics feature in ArrayList. |
We can print element of an array as follows:
Int testmarks [] = {10, 40, 35, 20, 10};
System.out.printIn (Arrays.toAtring (testmarks));
[10, 40, 35, 20, 10]
We can use Array.sort() method to sort an Array as given below-
Int Result [] = {15, 8, 10, 7}
System.out.printIn(Arrays.toString(Result));//[7, 8, 10, 15]
“Array.equal()” be used to compare 2 arrays of same data type and size:
Int [] A = {2, 4, 6};
Int [] B = {1, 3, 5};
System.out.printIn (Arrays.equal(A, B)); //false
Int [] C = {2, 4, 6};
System.out.printIn Arrays.equal(A, C)); //true
The array that is not stored on a variable is an anonymous array. We can construct other objects using it. There is a constructor in the polygon class of Java by which an anonymous array is passed as a parameter.
Check out: Python Variable Types |
The following methods can be used to find duplicates:
There is no major difference between them both. Arrays can be declared using both methods. There is just a minor difference. Postfix [] should be used when we declare a single array in a line. On the other hand, prefix [] should be used when we declare multiple arrays in a line.
An array is also an object, and the class name can be retrieved from the object. The getClass() and getName() methods are invoked for retrieving the class name of the array. The object's runtime class is returned by the getClass method. And the name of the array class is returned by the getName() method.
We can perform this operation over an array. Each element gets shifted 1 unit left when we use this operation. That means the value of the lowest index gets shifted to the highest index. Any number of rotations can be performed over an array. People also call it the circular array.
Dynamic arrays are also known as the resizable arrays, growable arrays, ArrayLists, or mutable arrays in Java. That is because there is automatic resizing available in them.
Array | Dictionary |
This is a list of homogenous elements. | Key-value pairs are contained in a dictionary. |
There can be a dynamic size of arrays. | There can be no dynamic size of dictionaries. |
The size of an array has to be set before using it. | We don't have to set the size before in dictionaries. |
The ReDim statement has to be used for increasing the size of the array. | We don't need any statement for adding an element in dictionaries. |
A sparse array is one with several elements having zero value. On the other hand, most elements are non-zero in a dense array. Integers are mapped to objects by Sparse array, and there can be gaps in indices. Their memory is better than that of a HashMap.
Learn: Python Operators with Examples |
Associative array | Indexed array |
An associative array stores the key-value pairs in the form of string or numeric format. | There are numeric keys in an indexed array where each key has its specific value. |
These are referred to as maps. | There are not referred to as maps. |
Strings can act as strings here. | Integers are starting with 0 as keys here. |
They act as tables of two columns. | They act as tables of a single column. |
For instance, in arr[10][5], the dimension is two. And we require 2 subscripts for addressing the elements. One will be between 0 and 9, while the other will be between 0 and 4.
While changing the size of the array is not allowed once defined, we can do either of the following:
The element is printed if the element is there in both arrays
We will follow the given steps:
No, the size of the array should not be provided when we specify the elements.
Information about the number of elements in an array is not passed when we pass an array parameter in C or C++. Even though the size of the pointer and the type's size can be obtained by sizeof() but not the bytes of the array.
Yes, the main() method be called from another class with the help of Classname.main(). A string type array should be passed to it while calling the main() method.
An array is a collection of elements in the form of objects, numbers, or pictures arranged in rows and columns. It is a collection of data elements in contiguous memory locations in terms of programming. And this is called database systems. Multiple data pieces can be stored under a single variable.
This enables easy operation of data using matrix properties. Just like in a book, every data element is assigned an index number. Therefore any element can be identified as well as located using this index number.
Some of the practical applications of an array in real life are as follows:
There are several advantages of using an array data structure, such as:
There are some disadvantages of array data structure as well, such as:
Arrays are said to be homogeneous data structures since the same kind of elements is stored in arrays. Numerous types of data such as characters, Boolean values, strings, numbers, and objects can be stored in them. But the different types can't be mixed. Once the type is defined, all the elements should belong to that same category.
Array | Linked List |
The elements of data are stored in a contiguous memory zone. | The elements are stored randomly in the memory zone. |
The memory size can't be altered during the run time. | It is possible to change the memory size here. |
There is no dependence among elements. | There is dependence among elements. |
The elements can be accessed relatively faster and in an easier way. | It comparatively takes more time to access elements. |
The memory is used ineffectively. | The memory is used effectively. |
It assigns the memory during compilation. | It assigns the memory during run time. |
Operations such as insertion and deletion are time-consuming here. | Operations such as insertion and deletion don't take much time here. |
We can use linked lists over arrays in the following scenarios:
Check out: Linked List Interview Questions |
The default values will be taken up by the array based on the type of data.
No, the declaration of an array is not possible without assigning its size. A compilation time error will pop up if we try to do so.
There are two types of arrays which are given below:
It represents the elements linearly with a single subscript. It stores the data in consecutive memory locations like- A[1], A [2],……, A[N].
Arrays can be used to find solutions to even the most complex problems in no time. Handling data become very efficient with the use of arrays. That is why its knowledge is a must when it comes to computer programming. We have tried to provide you with the best Array Interview Questions. Now, it's your turn to practice as much as possible and converts your interview calls. We are sure that a little bit of practice can take you to the other side of this road.
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