Python Regular Expression (RegEx) Cheatsheet

Python RegEx:

The following section of the article is going to provide you with bits and pieces of Python code that will make your life a lot easier. This is intended to be a one stop shop for all the required regular expressions that you will ever encounter to use in your Python development.

Python Regular Expressions

The pieces of code are segregated into multiple tabular forms to provide you with a clear picture of its usage and also forms an easy/quick reference, once you master these cheat codes. Let us take a look at these codes with no further delay:

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Python Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet:

The following tabular form provides details about how to apply regular expressions on characters of a string:


Matches any character except the newline character


Matches the beginning of the string provided


Matches the end of the string provided


Matches 0 or more repetitions of the provided character


Matches 1 or more repetitions of the provided character


Matches either 0 or 1 repetition of a character



Matches 0 or more repetitions of the provided character in a non-greedy manner


Matches 1 or more repetitions of the provided character in a non-greedy manner


Matches either 0 or 1 repetition of a character in a non-greedy manner


Escapes a special character


Matches a set of characters provided within the square brackets


Matches any lower cased ASCII letters


Matches a set of characters from lower to upper cased ASCII letters


Matches a set of characters that are not in a set


Matches either regular expressions A or B in a non-greedy manner



Matches exactly m copies of the character specified


Matches from m to n repetitions of the character specified


Matches from 0 to n repetitions of the character specified


Matches from m to infinite repetitions of the character specified


Matches from m to n repetitions in a non-greedy manner (as few as possible)

[Related Article: Regular expression operations

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The following tabular form provides the list of flags that are available for ready usage in the regular expressions.


Extension notation used to set flags


Flag to denote to match only ASCII characters


Flag to denote to ignore the case


Flag to denote that it is Locale dependent


Multi-line flag


Dot matches all flag


Verbose flag


Matches Unicode character classes

The following tabular form provides details about how to apply regular expressions on special sequences, altogether. 


Matches only at the beginning of the string


Matches an empty string, only at the beginning or end of a word


Matches an empty string, only when it is NOT at the beginning or end of a word


Matches digits same as [0-9]


Matches anything that is not a digit, same as [^0-9]



Matches white space characters, similar to [tnrfv]


Matches non-white space characters, similar to [^tnrfv]


Matches Unicode word characters, similar to [a-zA-Z0-9_]


Matches any character that is not a Unicode word character, similar to [^a-zA-Z0-9_]


Matches only at the end of the given string

The following tabular form provides details about the RE Methods that are provided for us to use:

re.compile(pattern, flags)

Compiles a regular expression with a pattern along with flags

re.match(pattern, string)

Matches the pattern only at the beginning of the string, string)

Matches the pattern anywhere in the provided string

re.split(pattern, string)

Splits the string by the occurrences of the provided pattern

re.sub(pattern, str2, string)

Replaces the left-most non-overlapping occurrences of the provided pattern in the string with str2


re.fullmatch(pattern, string)

Matches the provided pattern only if the whole string matches the regular expression

re.findall(pattern, string)

Returns all non-overlapping matches of the provided pattern in string as a list of strings

re.finditer(pattern, string)

Returns an iterator that yields matched objects over non-overlapping matches of the provided pattern in string

re.subn(pattern, str2, string)

Replaces the left most occurrences of the given pattern in string with str2 and returns a tuple of (newsubstring, subs made)


Clears the regular expression cache of Python

The following tabular form provides details about the groups that we can readily use:


This is used to specify a group on which a match can be retrieved later


Non capturing version parenthesis, that is the match cannot be retrieved later


Capture the group with name “name”


Backtrack group named “name” in same pattern


Denotes a comment

The following tabular form provides details about the match objects that we can readily use:“name”)

Returns the subgroup “name” of match


Returns tuples containing all subgroups of match


Returns dict containing all named subgroups of match


Returns the start index of substring matched by group


Returns the end index of substring matched by group


Returns 2 tuple start and end indices of group in match



Value of pos which was passed either to search() or match()


Value of endpos which was passed either to search() or match()


Integer index of last matched capturing group


Name of the last matched capturing group

The regular expression who match() or search() created the match


The string that was passed to either match() or search()

 The following tabular form provides the look-ahead and behind feature for your ready usage:


Denotes a lookahead assertion – matches if contents matches next, but does not consume any of the string


This denotes a negative lookahead assertion – match if contents does not match next


Positive lookbehind assertion – matches if the current position in the string is preceded by the match


Negative lookbehind assertion – matches if the current position is not preceded by the match


Matches a “yes” pattern if “id” or “name” exists or else, matches “no” pattern


Though there has been great care taken while providing the best of the information, please be aware that this has been picked up for Python 2.7 and for earlier versions, please do check the official Python documentation.

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Last updated: 08 Oct 2024
About Author

Anjaneyulu Naini is working as a Content contributor for Mindmajix. He has a great understanding of today’s technology and statistical analysis environment, which includes key aspects such as analysis of variance and software,. He is well aware of various technologies such as Python, Artificial Intelligence, Oracle, Business Intelligence, Altrex, etc. Connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter.

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