Django Interview Questions

Are you getting ready for Django interviews? Then, this is the right blog for you. In this blog, we have curated the key Django interview questions with accurate answers for beginners and advanced learners. Also, we have included Django developers' skills and job responsibilities in this blog. At the end of the article, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge of the Django framework and get ready to ace your Django interviews on the first attempt.

Know that Django is a robust Python web framework with a flexible architecture and template engine. According to Statista, Django is one of the frontline frameworks that companies widely use to develop their web applications. That’s why the demand for Django developers remains high all the time.

If you aspire to become a Django developer, it is essential to thoroughly understand the Django concepts before appearing for interviews. To help you, I have prepared this article, including the frequently-asked Django interview questions with perfect answers. It will help you to breeze through your Django interviews with flying colours. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

Django Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers

We have compiled the Django interview questions for beginner-level Django aspirants in this section. It will help to establish a strong foundation on Django concepts Let’s dive in!

1. What is Django?

Django is an open-source, high-level Python web framework that allows developers to make web applications quickly. We can develop secure web applications with fewer codes using this framework.

Django framework offers better versatility, scalability, and portability in application development. We can develop any application using Django, from content management systems to social networks to news sites. Besides, Django enables key application protection mechanisms against common vulnerabilities by default.

Enhance your career as a professional Django Developer by enrolling in "Python Django Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. Why do you use Django?

Below are the reasons why we use Django.

  • The Django framework allows rapid web development.
  • It is a one-in-all tool that offers consistent design principles and extensive documentation.
  • It allows the development of reusable and maintainable codes
  • It is a well-established, scalable, and versatile framework
  • It follows the DRY principle, which reduces repetition and redundancy in codes
  • It's a more portable, secure, and Scalable framework
  • It can handle vast amounts of data effortlessly
  • It offers a built-in, production-ready administrative interface
  • It also provides built-in caching.

3. Is the Django framework back-end or front-end?

Django is mainly a back-end web framework. However, it has some features of a front-end framework as well. So, Django is a suitable framework for both back-end and front-end web development.

4. What is the latest version of Django, and what are its key features?

The latest version of Django is Django 5.0.4. The new features of Django 5.0.4 are listed below:

  • It supports asynchronous views and middleware
  • It provides JSON field support for all database back-ends
  • It allows code reusability
  • It provides Admin layout and Path libraries
  • It performs CDN Integration
  • It follows the SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY.

5. What are the differences between Python and Django?

Python is a programming language for developing machine learning, desktop applications, artificial intelligence, and more. It is a simple and readable language that supports OOP concepts.

On the other hand, Django is a web framework that provides tools and libraries for quickly building web applications. It is a complex framework that follows the MVT architecture.

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6. What architecture does Django use?

Django follows the Model-View-Template (MVT) architecture. MVT is a software design pattern that supports the development of web applications. It contains three parts: Model, View, and Template.

  • Model: It is an object that defines the data structure of a Django application. Also, it describes the relationships between different entities of the application. In short, the Model is responsible for representing data.
  • View: A handler function receives HTTP requests, processes them, and returns HTTP responses. It supports creating HTML pages using HTML templates and populating them with data.
  • Template: It is a text file that defines the layout of the user interface. The text file can be XML, HTML, etc. It collects data from a view and inserts it into a template.

Django Architecture

7. What is Django's code reusability?

In Django, we can copy applications from one directory to another using the file. Developers can copy similar codes from another directory without writing them again. They can write codes only for unique operations. So, it allows for the rapid development of web applications.

Furthermore, Django offers many features that allow code reusability. We can use apps, mixins, generic views, and template inheritance to avoid repetition in writing codes. As a result, we can improve code quality, maintainability, and collaboration in application development.

8. What are Django's key features?

The key features of Django are:

  • Portability: Django is portable, so it supports multiple databases and operating systems.
  • Speed: It supports rapid web application development. It follows the DRY principle, so code repetition is reduced significantly.
  • Robust: It has a rich set of libraries, tools, and documentation
  • Security: It offers high security to applications through built-in standard encryption packages
  • SEO-friendly: Django is an SEO-friendly framework that generates SEO-optimised URLs.
  • Scalability: Django-based applications offer exceptional scalability, managing massive traffic effortlessly. Django supports hassle-free switching from small to large-scale projects.
  • Versatile: Django allows building applications in various domains.
  • Vast Community: It is an open-source tool, so the user community is extensive.

9. What inheritance styles does Django support?

Django supports three inheritance styles. They are:

  • Abstract Base Classes:  These classes serve as a blueprint for other models. They also define the fields and methods shared among multiple models. We use this inheritance style when we want the parent class to retain the data.
  • Proxy Models: We use this style to create Python classes for the existing database tables. It avoids creating new database tables. This model helps extend existing models' functionalities without modifying their structure.
  • Multi-table Inheritance: This style uses a subclass on an existing model. This style creates a one-to-one relationship between the parent and child models. We also use this style when we want each model to have its own database table.

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10. What are Django Models?

A Django model is a single source of information for data. A model is a Python class that helps define database table structure. It includes the essential fields and behaviours of the data. Django uses models to create database tables and fields. So, each model maps a database table. Also, each attribute of the model maps to a column in the table.

We create Django models to store data in databases effectively since they provide simplicity, consistency, and version control. Django models work as an abstraction layer that structures and manipulates database data. They support processing complex queries efficiently.

The below code is an example of the Django model. It defines a person by its first and last name.

11. What is the use of the file? files contain the configuration details of Django projects. We can find the file in the root directory. This file is a Python module, so we can easily import it into other modules.

The file has all the details of a Django project, such as databases, back-end engines, middleware, main URL configurations, static file addresses, hosts and servers, and many more. When Django responds to a request, it executes the file and loads the databases and engines to serve the request.

12. What are static files in Django?

In Django, CSS, images, or JavaScript are known as the files. Static files are the additional files that are essential for developing a web application. The Django static files are stored in a static directory within each Django app.

Generally, static files are larger, so when an application's complexity increases, the static files' size also increases. So, handling these large files is a challenge for developers.

13. How do you set up static files in Django?

We can make three things to set up static files in Django:

  • First, Set the STATIC_ROOT in the file. The static variable in the setting file defines the single folder to collect the static files.
  • Run Python 3.13 collect static. This command helps to collect all the static files from app folders and copy them into the STATIC_ROOT.
  • Setting up static files to map web servers to serve the static files.

14. What is the use of Middlewares in Django?

A Middleware in Django is a lightweight, low-level plugin that we use to process requests and responses in Django. It helps to perform various functions like security, session, CSRF protection, authentication, etc.

Django has many built-in middleware out of the box. Each middleware is responsible for performing a specific function. For example, AuthenticationMiddleware deals with user requests related to sessions.

15. What are the differences between TextField and CharField in Django?

In Django, TextField stores paragraphs and all other text data.

On the other hand, CharField is a string field used for small to large strings. It is similar to the string field in C/C++. In Django, we use CharField to store small strings like first name, last name, etc.

16. What are Django field class types?

Every field in a model is an instance of the appropriate field class.

The column type in Django describes what kind of data to store (e.g., VARCHAR, INTEGER, and TEXT).

The default HTML widget is shown below while rendering a form field.

(e.g < input type = "text" >, <select>)

The minimal validation requirements are used in automatically generated forms and Django admin.

17. What is the usage of the ‘’ and ‘’ files?

  • - It is a command-line utility for administrative tasks. 
  • - It is automatically created in each Django project. It controls the Django project on the server. It supports managing the project's package on the sys.path. Also, it helps to set the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable.

[ Check out Python Interview Questions and Answers ]

18. What’s the difference between a project and an app in Django?

The app is a module that deals with the dedicated requirements of a project. On the other hand, the project covers an entire app. Also, a project can contain different apps.

19. What are signals in Django?

Django includes a "signal dispatcher" to notify decoupled applications when some action occurs in the framework. Signals in Django allow specific senders to inform a set of receivers that some action has occurred. They are instrumental when we use more codes in the same events. 

20. What is the Django Session?

Django uses sessions to keep track of the state between sites and browsers. Django supports anonymous sessions. The session framework stores and retrieves data on a per-site-visitor basis. It stores the information on the server side and supports sending and receiving cookies. Cookies store the session ID data but not the actual data.

Congrats! You have gone through the basic level Django interview questions. We hope you have gained the confidence to learn the advanced interview questions.

Python Django Interview Questions For Experienced

We have included the crucial Django interview questions and answers in this section. It will help explore the Django framework further and learn its in-depth concepts. Let’s move on!

21. How does Django work?

The below diagram shows the working cycle of Django MVT architecture:

In the Django MVT architecture, the template is present on the client side, and both the Model and View are on the Server side. Django uses the request and response objects to enable communication between the client and server.

When a website receives a request, the request is transmitted from the browser to the server. After sending the correct URL request, the app logic and Model initiate the right response. Then, a detailed response is sent back to view to check the response and transmit it as a desired user format or HTTP response. Then, the response is passed to the browser via Templates.    

For example, when we log into a Django-based website, we open the login page. It happens because the View will process and send the request to the login page URL. Then, the response is sent from a server to the browser. After that, we will enter the credentials in a template, and the data will be returned to the View. Then, data is presented in the Model. The Model verifies the data provided by the user in the connected database. If the user's data matches, it sends the related data (image, profile name, etc.) to the Views. Otherwise, the Model passes the negative result to the Views.

22. Explain the Django URL.

Django allows designing URL functions. We need to create a Python module called URLconf (URL configuration). This module acts as a mapping between Python functions and URL path expressions. The length of this mapping can be long or short as required and also reference other mappings. Besides, Django provides a way to translate URLs.

23. What are Django Exceptions?

An exception is an abnormal event that leads to program failure. Django uses its Python exceptions and exception classes to deal with abnormal events. We define Django exceptions in "Django.core.exceptions". Below are some of the Django exceptions.

AppRegistryNotReadyThis class raises for using models before loading the app process.
EmptyResultSetThis exception arises when the query fails to return results.
FieldDoesNotExistWhen the requested file does not exist, this exception arises.
FieldErrorWhen there is a problem with the model field, this exception arises.
ImproperlyConfiguredWhen Django configuration is improper, this exception arises.
MultipleObjectsReturnedIt raises the query multiple objects returned when we expect only one object.
MiddlewareNotUsedWhen there is no middleware in the server configuration, this exception arises.
ObjectDoesNotExistIt’s a base class for DoesNotExist exceptions.
PermissionDeniedIt arises when a user does not have permission to execute a specific action requested.
SuspiciousOperationIt raises when the user has performed some operation. It is considered suspicious from a security perspective.
ViewDoesNotExistWhen the requested View does not exist, this exception is raised.
ValidationErrorIt raises when data validation fails.

24. What are Django cookies?

Know that a cookie is information stored in the client's browser. Django provides built-in methods to set and fetch cookies. We use the set_cookie() method for setting a cookie and the get() method for getting the cookie. We can also use the request.COOKIES['key'] array to get cookie values.

25. What are the differences between Flask & Django?

Flask and Django are the two most popular Python web frameworks. The following table lists some significant differences between Django and Flask.

Nature of the toolDjango is a web development framework for Python. It was created in 2005Flask is a web microframework offering basic features of web apps. It was created in 2010
Key features
  • open-source
  • rapid development
  • robust documentation
  • great community
  • easy to learn
  • open source
  • lightweight
  • less code usage
Type of the FrameworkFull-stack web frameworkWeb Server Gateway Interface (WSGI) framework
Templates, Admin, and ORMBuilt-inRequires installation
FlexibilityIt supports a large number of third-party applications.It doesn’t support third-party applications.
Companies use the frameworkInstagram, Udemy, Coursera, etcNetflix, Lyft, Reddit, MIT, etc.
Visual DebuggingIt does not support visual debugging.It supports visual debugging.
Bootstrapping toolBuiltinNot available
Working styleOffers monolithic working styleOffers diversified working style
Project layout structureConventionalRandom

26. How do you check the version of Django installed on your system?

To check the version of Django installed on systems, we need to open the command prompt and enter the following command:

py -m django --version

We can also try to import Django and use the get_version() method as follows:

import django
print (django.get_version( ))

27. Explain about Django Admin.

Django Admin is the command-line utility for administrative tasks. It's a preloaded interface to fulfil all web developer needs. It is imported from the "django.contrib packages". The Django Admin interface has its user authentication. It offers advanced features like authorising access, managing various models, Content Management System, etc.

We can perform the following tasks using Django admin as listed in the table:

django-admin helpIt displays the usage of the information and commands list each application provides.
django-admin help –commandIt displays available commands
django-admin help <command>It displays the command description and its available options
django-admin versionIt determines Django’s version
django-admin make migrationsIt creates new migrations depending on the changes done in the Model
django-admin migrateIt synchronises the database state with the present set of models and migrations
django-admin runserverIt starts the development server
django-admin sendtestemailIt is a test mail sent to confirm the Django email working status
django-admin shellIt starts the Python interactive interpreter
django-admin showmigrationsIt displays all the project’s migrations

28. How do you create a Django project?

To create a Django project, first navigate to the directory where we want to do a project and type the following command:

django-admin startproject MM

This command will create the folder named MM in the following structure.


29. How does Django view work?

Django views are the critical component of the Django framework. They support encapsulation. They encapsulate the logic required to process a user's request and return a response to the user. They return HTTP responses or raise an exception such as 404 in Django. Besides, views perform tasks like reading records from a database, generating PDF files, etc.

Every app in Django comes with a file. The file contains the views functions. We can import the Views functions directly in the URL file in Django. We must first import a view function into the file to achieve that. Then, we must add the path/URL to call that View function.

[ Check out Python Project Ideas For Beginners ]

30. Explain the Django Template.

Django templates generate dynamic web pages. Using templates, we can show the static data. We can also show the data from various databases connected to the app through a context dictionary. We can create any number of templates based on project requirements. The Django template engine handles the templating in the Django web framework. Some template syntaxes declare variables, control logic, filters, and comments.

31. Describe Django ORM.

In Django, one of the crucial features is Object-Relational Mapper (ORM). It allows interaction with app data from relational databases such as MySQL, SQLite, and PostgreSQL. 

Django ORM is the abstraction between web application data structure (models) and the database where the data is stored. We can retrieve, save, delete, and perform other database operations without writing code. The main advantage of ORMs is speed and portability. We can easily change databases with Django ORM.

32. When to use iterators in Django ORM?

In Python, Iterators are containers that contain several elements. Every object in an iterator implements two methods. They are __init__() and the __next__() methods.

In Django, we use iterators to process results that consume colossal memory space. We can use the iterator() method to overcome this problem. This method evaluates the QuerySet and returns the corresponding iterator over the results.

33. What is Django Caching?

Django supports a robust cache system that saves web pages. So we don’t need to evaluate them repeatedly for every request.

34. Explain the strategies used to implement Django caching.

The following table lists the strategies used in Django caching.

MemcachedThe most efficient and faster memory-based cache server
Filesystem CachingIt stores the cached files in serial order in separate files.
Local-memory CachingIf we have not specified anything else, this is the default cache.
Database CachingIt stores cached data in databases. It works well if we have a well-indexed database server.

35. How does Django process a request?

Whenever the Django Server receives a request, the system follows an algorithm to determine which Python code needs execution.

Here are the steps that sum up the algorithm:

  • Django checks the root URL configuration.
  • Next, Django looks at all the variable URL patterns in the URLconf for the match of the requested URL
  • If the URL matches, it returns the associated view function.
  • It will request the data from the model of that app for any data requirement. Then, the data will be passed to the corresponding template rendered by the browser.
  • Django sends an error-handling view if none of the URLs match the requested URL.

36. Which Python version should you use with Django?

Python 3.12.3 is the most recommended version for Django. This version is faster and has many features, so it is better supported.

37. Explain the file structure of a typical Django project.

A typical Django project consists of these four files:


The final four files exist inside a directory at the same level as is the command-line utility of the Django project. It controls the Django project on the server. file includes information on all the apps installed in the project.

The file acts as a map for the whole web project. 

The file is typically empty. It allows the Python interpreter to understand that the directory consisting of is a module/ package.

The file is for the server format WSGI.

38. Why is Django called a loosely coupled framework?

Django is known as a loosely coupled framework because of its MVT architecture. This architecture supports discarding server code from the client's machine. In this architecture, models and views lie on the client machine.

All components of this architecture are different from each other. Both front-end and back-end developers can work on projects at the same time using this framework.

39. What is the Django REST framework?

Django REST framework is a flexible and powerful toolkit for rapidly building web APIs. The following are the reasons that make the REST framework a perfect choice:

  • Web browsable API 
  • Serialisation
  • Authentication policies 
  • Extensive documentation
  • Low bandwidth.
  • Excellent community support.

40. Why do you use forms in Django?

Forms in Django help to receive user inputs and use that data for logical operations on databases. Django supports form classes for creating HTML forms. Django's forms handle the following parts:

  • Prepares and restructures data to make it ready for rendering
  • Processes submitted forms and data from the client.
  • Creates HTML forms for the data.

Great! You have completed learning the crucial interview questions and answers in this section. We hope they have greatly improved your expertise in the Django framework.

Python Django Advanced Interview Questions

We have developed the expert-level Django interview questions and answers in this section. It will undeniably help you gain in-depth knowledge of the Django framework. Let’s go ahead!

41. Why is Django a monolithic framework?

The Django framework is monolithic, which is valid to some extent. As Django's architecture is MVT-based, developers must follow some rules to execute the appropriate files at the right time. With Django, we get significant customisations with implementations. We cannot change variable names, file names, and predefined lists.

Django's file structure follows the logical workflow. Django's monolithic behaviour helps developers understand the project efficiently.

42. How can you manage user authentication in Django?

Django has a built-in user authentication system to handle objects such as users, permissions, groups, etc. It not only performs authentication but authorisation as well. 

The following are the system objects:

  • Users
  • Groups
  • Permissions
  • Forms Validation
  • Password Hashing System
  • A pluggable back-end system

Apart from that, Django supports many third-party web apps that we can use instead of the default system to provide more user authentication.

43. What is the "django.shortcuts.render" function?

We use the render function when a view function returns a web page as HTTPResponse instead of a simple string. Render is a shortcut for passing a data dictionary with a template. This function uses a templating engine to combine templates with a data dictionary.

Finally, the render() returns the HttpResponse with the rendered text.


render (request, template_name, context=None, content_type=None, status=None, using=None)

This request generates an HTTP response. It has the template name and other parameters.

44. Can you explain how to add View functions to the file?

There are two ways to add the view function to the main URL config:

  • Adding a function view: This method imports the particular View's function and adds the specific URL to the URL patterns list.
  • Adding a Class-based view: This method is a more class-based approach. In this method, import the class from and add the URL to the URL patterns. An inbuilt method is needed to call the class as a view.

45. Explain Django Security.

Protecting user's data is an essential part of any website design. Django implements various sufficient protections against several common threats.

The following are Django's security features:

  • Cross-site scripting (XSS) protection
  • Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
  • SQL injection protection
  • Enforcing SSL/HTTPS
  • Clickjacking protection
  • Session security
  • Host header validation.

46. What is AJAX in Django?

Asynchronous JavaScript And XML’ (AJAX) allows web pages to update asynchronously to and from the server by exchanging data in Django. So we can update parts of the web page without reloading a complete webpage.

AJAX involves a combination of a browser built-in XMLHttpRequest object, HTML DOM, and JavaScript.

47. How do you handle AJAX requests in Django?

We can handle Ajax requests in the Django web framework using the following:

  • Initialize Project 
  • Create models
  • Create views
  • Write URLs
  • Carry out requests with JQuery AJAX.
  • Register models to admin.

48. What are Django's generic views?

Django offers an easy way to set views called Generic Views. They are classes but not functions and are stored in "django.views.generic". 

Generic views act as a shortcut for common usage patterns. They take some common idioms and patterns in the View development and abstract them to write common views of data without repetition.

49. What is the right way to make a variable available to all your templates?

We can use the ‘RequestContext’ when all our templates need the same objects. This method takes HTTPRequest as the first parameter and simultaneously populates the context with a few variables based on the engine's context_processors configuration option.

50. How can you use a file-based session in Django?

We must set the SESSION_ENGINE settings to ‘Django.contrib.sessions. Back-ends.file’ for a file-based session.

51. What command line loads data in Django?

The “ load data” command loads data in Django. This command line performs data searching and loads the contents of the named fixtures into databases.

52. Explain Django’s Request/Response Cycle.

When a process in Django starts, the Django server receives a request and checks for a matching URL in the project-defined URL patterns. If the URL matches, it executes the associated code in the view file with the URL and sends a response. If the server can’t find a matching URL, it invokes the 404 status code.

53. When do you use middleware in Django?

We use Middleware in Django for the below requirements.

  • Cross-site request forgery protection
  • User authentication
  • Content Gzipping
  • Session management.

54. Does Django support multiple-column primary keys?

Django does not support multiple-column primary keys. It only supports single-column primary keys.

55. What is a QuerySet in Django?

QuerySet is a set of SQL queries in Django. When we want to view the SQL query from the Django filter call, we must type the command print(b.query).

56. How do you check the raw SQL queries running in Django?

First, we must ensure that the DEBUG setting is set to True. We need to type the following commands.

  • From Django.db import connection
  • connection.queries.

57. Are Django signals asynchronous?

No, Django signals are synchronous. There is no background thread or asynchronous jobs to execute them. Using signals in applications allows maintaining the code to understand application behaviour and solve issues faster.

58. What are the disadvantages of Django?

  • Django is not suitable for small projects due to its monolithic size
  • Everything must be defined explicitly due to a lack of convention.
  • Django web framework has a steep learning curve.

59. Explain Django migrations.

Django migration is an automatic way of passing changes we make in Django models into the database schema. The changes can be adding a field, deleting a model, etc. 

We can use many commands to manage database schema and migrations. They are:

  • migrate – this command helps to apply migrations
  • sqlmigrate – this command displays the SQL statements required for a migration
  • makemigrations – this command creates new migrations based on the changes made to models
  • showmigrations – this command lists migrations and the status of a project.

60. What are class-based views in Django?

Class-based views allow for implementing views as Python objects instead of functions. They don’t replace function-based views but have many advantages when compared with function-based views.

Class-based views support responding to different HTTP request methods with different class instance methods. It eliminates the need to use conditionally branching code inside a single view function.

The below example shows the use of class-based views in a code.

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views import View

class MyView(View)
   def get(self, request):
    # <view logic>
    return HttpResponse("result")

61. What are function-based views in Django?

Function-based views are easy to read and implement. They support explicit code flow and allow the use of decorators. But at the same time, they create code redundancy.

We can write function-based views on the file. However, we can write these views in different files as well. The important thing is that a function-based view must return its subclasses or HTTP response. That’s because an HTTP response contains various information that Django configures automatically.

The below code shows the use of function-based views in Django.

from django.http import HttpResponse
def dashboard_view(request):
   # write your view processing logics here
   return HttpResponse("Welcome to MindMajix")

62. What are Docker and Kubernetes?

Docker is an open-source containerisation tool that helps to create, run, and deploy containers. Containers are the packages of applications, libraries, and system tools required to run the applications. We can run Docker on any platform seamlessly.

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration tool. We can use Kubernetes to manage, automate, and scale containerised applications. With Kubernetes, we can manage Microservices at scale. Here, each microservice is made up of multiple containers.

63. Why do you use message brokers in Django?

We use message brokers in Django to send and receive messages, decouple application components, manage asynchronous processes, and more. Message brokers use message persistence and retry mechanisms to deliver messages successfully. They leverage load balancing and message routing methods to scale applications seamlessly.

Django uses many models or patterns to implement message brokers. They are:

  • Task queue
  • Point-to-point
  • Publish-subscribe
  • Routing
  • Remote Procedure Call (RPC).

64. What is the Django OAuth toolkit?

The Django OAuth toolkit provides all the data, endpoints, and logic required to add OAuth2 capabilities to Django projects. We can use the OAuth toolkit to integrate keycloak with Django projects.

65. How can you optimise the performance of a Django application?

We can optimise the performance of Django applications in the following ways.

  • Database Optimization: We need to log the long queries and improve efficiency using tools such as PostgreSQL and Newrelic.
  • Code Optimization: We need to use the line_profiler, a package that helps check the specific parts of codes and identify bottlenecks. We can also examine the effectiveness of codes with fake requests.

66. What is the difference between a project and an app in Django?

A project is a container with configurations for web applications and apps. When we start a new Django project, it generates files with configurations. The components of a Django project are settings, WSGI, URLs, and ASGI.

On the other hand, the app has specific functionalities. An app consists of modules related to the specific features of the application that we develop. Like a Django project, an app generates files when we start it. The components of a Django app are,,, and

67. How can you create custom middleware in Django?

We can use the steps below to create custom middleware in Django.

  • First, we need to create a Python module in the Django application. This module will have the custom middleware class.
  • We need to define the middleware class by inheriting from the MiddlewareMixin class
  • Then, we need to add the middleware class to the middleware setting in the file.
  • Finally, test the custom middleware by running the Django application.

Super! You have completed learning Django interview questions successfully. Now, you are supercharged with the knowledge of Django and prepared to crack your Django interviews.

Python Django FAQs

1. Is Django easy to learn?

Yes, Django is an easy-to-learn framework. Having knowledge of Python and web development will help to learn Django quickly. MindMajix offers 15 hours of Django training for both beginners and advanced learners. The training is unique since MindMajix offers this training with an industry-designed course curriculum providing much importance to hands-on practice.

2. Is Django a Content Management System (CMS)?

No, Django is not a CMS. It is a web framework with which you can build web applications.

3. Can you name some companies that use Django to build their application?

Companies like Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, Spotify, NASA, DropBox, Mozilla Firefox, Google, etc., use Django to build their web applications.

4. What is a Django developer?

A Django developer is a software professional with expertise in the Django web framework. They build web applications using Python programming language. They design back-end components to connect applications with web services.

5. How to become a Django developer?

  • Gain expertise in Python programming and Django concepts
  • Learn to build simple web applications using the Django web framework
  • Enrol in a Django course in MindMajix and get a certification
  • Become a competent Django developer and crack your interviews.

6. Why is Django popular?

Django is a web framework that offers better security, scalability, rich libraries, and more. It supports building robust web applications effortlessly. The job opportunities for Django developers are bright and promising. AmbitionBox says entry-level Django developers earn up to 7.5 LPA in India. According to Talent, Django developers can earn an average of 120k USD annually in the USA.

Skills Required For Django Developers

In this section, I have provided the primary and secondary skills required for Django developers. Additionally, you will go through the job responsibilities of Django developers at various expertise levels in this section.

Primary Skills Required For Django Developers

Let’s go through the essential skills every Django developer must have.

  • Proficiency in Python programming and server-side logic to develop high-quality web applications
  • Knowledge of object-oriented mapping techniques to enable interaction between programming languages and databases
  • Exposure to CSS, HTML, and JavaScript languages to build dynamic and interactive websites.
  • Knowledge of template engines to generate dynamic HTML content
  • Familiar with database systems such as MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL for storing and retrieving data.
  • Exposure to command line interface to navigate directories and perform multiple operations.
  • Knowledge of RESTful APIs to perform HTTP requests, share data in JSON, and so on.
  • Familiar with testing and debugging, graphQL, rapid prototyping, deployment, and database modelling.
  • Good problem-solving and collaboration skills.

Secondary Skills Required For Django Developers

Let's find the additional skills needed for Django developers in the following.

  • Familiar with Git Version Control to track different versions of codes easily
  • Exposure to front-end frameworks to scale user interfaces
  • Knowledge of container technology tools like Docker and Kubernetes
  • Knowledge of other web frameworks such as Laravel and Ruby on Rails.
  • Familiar with cloud computing platforms such as GCP, AWS, etc.
  • Exposure to task queues and message brokers to enable effective communication between application components
  • Knowledge of web security mechanisms to protect applications from cyber threats
  • Familiar with operating systems such as LINUX, UNIX, etc.

Job Responsibilities of Django Developers

For 1-2 Years of Experienced Candidates

Below are the key activities that every entry-level Django developer must perform in their workplace.

  • Designing and developing high-quality web applications meeting the user requirements
  • Testing and debugging applications efficiently
  • Developing table frames and forms to enhance site functionality
  • Maintaining and fixing the existing web applications
  • Conducting unit tests to examine the functionalities of applications and make enhancements
  • Develop back-end components to improve application performance and responsiveness
  • Interfacing user-facing elements with server-side logic
  • Staying up-to-date with the latest trends in Django and Python.

For 3-5 Years of Experienced Candidates

The following are the job responsibilities of middle-level Django developers.

  • Gathering, understanding, and prioritising application requirements by discussing with stakeholders
  • Writing clean, reusable, maintainable, testable, and efficient Python codes
  • Troubleshooting issues in application development, collaborating with front-end and DevOps teams
  • Implementing new technologies to maximise application efficiency
  • Ensuring that the developed codes comply with the standards and guidelines for coding best practices
  • Performing peer reviews on codes developed by team members and providing valuable suggestions for improvement.

For More Than 5 Years of Experienced Candidates

You can find the job responsibilities of senior-level Django developers below.

  • Actively participating in discussions on design and architecture to develop mission-critical applications.
  • Documenting solutions, code snippets, and best practices to build a solid knowledge base.
  • Conducting training sessions for junior developers on Django principles, best practices, and coding standards.
  • Integrating applications with third-party services
  • Maintaining and managing the security of web applications
  • Examining the effectiveness of web pages to work across different browsers smoothly.

Good! The information you gathered in this section will help you prepare for Django interviews and clear your interviews easily.


Great! You have learned the crucial Django interview questions and answers from this blog in the best way. We hope this blog has elevated your confidence level to new heights so that you can boldly face Django interviews.

If you want to enhance your knowledge of the Django framework further, you can sign in for a Django training with MindMajix. This course will help you boost your skills in the Django framework to greater heights and ace your Django developer interviews effortlessly.

Course Schedule
Python Django TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
Python Django TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
Python Django TrainingNov 02 to Nov 17View Details
Python Django TrainingNov 05 to Nov 20View Details
Last updated: 14 May 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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