Genpact Interview Questions

Are you getting ready to face the Genpact interview? Do you need Genpact interview questions? No worries! The MindMajix subject experts have made good efforts to prepare the top 30 Genpact interview questions with answers. This blog will walk you through the Genpact interview process, leadership principles, tips to clear Genpact interviews, and much more. Yes! If you read through all these topics carefully, you will undoubtedly ace your Genpact interview.

Genpact is an American-based IT consulting company that offers its clients various IT services and consulting. The company spreads across around 30 countries with more than 1 lakh employees. Nowadays, Genpact focuses on digital transformation technologies, gaining insights from their customer data and improving their business outcomes dramatically.

Genpact is a company that has attracted various clients from multiple sectors. They have clients from banking, manufacturing, healthcare, media, etc. So those who work at Genpact will get more opportunities to learn better.

Nailing a job at Genpact is easy if aspirants are familiar with Genpact’s interview questions. With this in mind, the MindMajix subject experts have prepared the top 30 Genpact interview questions with solutions to help those aspiring to crack Genpact interviews. In this blog, you can also unpack the Genpact interview process, get tips to clear the Genpact interview, and much more.

Let’s dive deep into the blog.

Genpact Interview Questions - Table of Contents

Top 10 Frequently Asked Genpact Interview Questions

  1. What do you mean by ad hoc testing?
  2. Describe DDL and DML with a few commands.
  3. Describe surrogate keys in DBMS.
  4. Brief about compatibility testing?
  5. Define index hunting.
  6. How is functional testing different from regression testing?
  7. List the pros and cons of user-level threads.
  8. Why do we use hashCodes in Java?
  9. Compare: Dynamic Testing and Static Testing
  10. Explain the various levels of data abstraction in a DBMS.

Genpact Recruitment Process

There are totally three rounds in the Genpact interview process: an online test, technical rounds, and an HR round.

Let’s have a look at them one by one.

  • Online test

Genpact conducts this test on popular online platforms such as HackerEarth, HackerRank, etc. The test will include questions on core computer topics, such as data structures and algorithms, computer networks, operating systems, DBMS, OOPs concepts, etc.

 Mainly, you need to answer multiple-choice questions in this test. Also, you need to solve a few coding problems in this test. You must solve problems in modern programming languages such as Java, C++, C, Python, etc.

The candidates who clear this round can only go to the next round. So if you want to clear this round, you must be strong in core computer topics and coding expertise. Note that the toughness of this round would be easy to medium.

  • Technical Interview Round

It is the crucial round in the Genpact interview. If you clear this round, you have almost reached the finish line. Interviewers will ask in-depth technical questions in this round. So you must be thorough in the previously mentioned computer science topics. Interviewers will also give you complex coding problems to validate your coding quality and expertise. So you must be proficient in the programming languages mentioned earlier.

Additionally, the interviewers may ask questions about SQL, APIs, database management systems, cloud computing, etc. So, prepare every computer science topic deeply - without leaving any stone unturned.

Moreover, interviewers ask questions based on your resume information. They will ask about your previous work experience, challenges, accomplishments, etc.

There might be additional technical rounds based on your performance and the requirements of job roles.

  • HR Interview Round

This is the final round of the Genpact interview. In this round, interviewers mainly ask candidates behavioral-type questions. They may also ask you a few puzzles to check your intelligence and spontaneity. 

The interviewers will ask about your family background, interests, academic achievements, extracurricular activities, etc. And they will ask questions to check your problem-solving, analytical, and leadership skills. On top of all that, they will also validate whether you are a cultural match for Genpact.

If you have thoroughly analyzed your qualities and abilities and prepared yourself to answer questions accordingly, you will crack this round easily.

Ultimately, candidates who clear all three rounds successfully will be given an offer letter and hired at Genpact.

Genpact Technical Interview Questions

The technical interview is the crucial part of the Genpact interview. The MindMajix subject experts have prepared the top 30 Genpact interview questions to help the Genpact aspirants. They have divided the questions into two sections: freshers and experienced. You can dive into the correct section based on your expertise level.

  • Genpact Technical Interview Questions For Freshers
  • Genpact Technical Interview Questions For Experienced

Genpact Interview Questions For Freshers

1. What do you mean by ad hoc testing?

It is a type of informal testing that we perform to find errors in codes. We conduct ad-hoc testing randomly without creating test cases. Also, we don’t keep any documentation for ad-hoc testing. The main thing is that testers must know well about the system under test (SUT) to perform ad-hoc testing efficiently.

Know that there are many types of ad-hoc testing, such as monkey testing, buddy testing, and pair testing.

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2. Write the syntax for the SQL inner join.

We use the SQL inner join to return the records common to two tables. We can even find the records common to three tables using this keyword.

Below is the syntax of the SQL inner Join.

3. Describe DDL and DML with a few commands.

Both DML and DDL are SQL queries. DML stands for Data Manipulation Language, whereas DDL stands for Data Definition Language.

We use DDL queries to define a database schema or data structure. CREATE, ALTER, DROP SCHEMA, and TRUNCATE are a few examples of DDL commands.

We use DML queries to modify, insert, delete, and update data in database instances. INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE are a few examples of DML commands.

4. Can we have multiple primary keys for a single table?

No. Every single table in a database is only allowed to have a single primary key.

5. Describe surrogate keys in DBMS.

A surrogate key is also referred to as a synthetic primary key or a factless key. It is a unique or primary identifier used to identify an object in a database. We create a surrogate key without using any data in a database. Simply put, a surrogate key is internally generated. 

Note that we cannot reuse a surrogate key again. Also, no user or application can change a surrogate key.

6. Explain the bug life cycle and name its different states.

The bug life cycle is a sequence of states a bug goes through throughout its life. The states are given as new, open, assigned, fixed, retest, verified, pending retest, and closed. There is no standard flow of states in the bug life cycle. Depending on testers and projects, it will vary for each test case.

We can quickly fix bugs with the support of the big life cycle. In this regard, we use a tool like Jira to track bug life cycles.

7. Brief about compatibility testing?

It is a non-functional type of testing method. We conduct compatibility testing to check whether the software can work seamlessly on any operating system, hardware, or network.

There are two types of compatibility testing: forward as well as backward compatibility testing. We perform backward compatibility testing to check the compatibility of the software with its older versions. On the other hand, we perform forward compatibility testing to check the compatibility of the software with its new versions.

8. Mention the key aspects of the ‘final’ and ‘finally’ keywords in Java.

The keywords ‘final’ and ‘finally’ are both reserved. We cannot use the keywords as identifiers. Besides, ‘final’ as well as ‘finally’ are the keywords used for exception handling in Java.

Here, 'final' is nothing but an access modifier. If we declare a method, class, or variable as final, we cannot modify them. This is because they are declared as final. If we change them, it will create a compile-time error. The important thing is that we need to call 'final' for execution.

On the other side, ‘finally’ is the block in exception handling. There is a close connection between ‘try and catch’ and ‘finally’ blocks in exception handling. In other words, the "finally" block is executed soon after the ‘try and catch’ block is executed.

9. What do you mean by "boxing" and "unboxing"?

Boxing is nothing but a process of converting a value-type variable into a reference-type variable. The value type of a variable can be a character, an integer, etc. And the reference variable can be an object. Moreover, boxing is an implicit conversion process.

On the contrary, unboxing is the process of converting a reference variable into a value-type variable. Unlike boxing, it is an explicit conversion process.

10. Name the three types of data dependency.

The three types of data dependency are

  • Flow, RAW, or true dependency
  • WAW, or output dependency
  • WAR, or anti-dependency

When it comes to flow dependency, an instruction in a program depends on the result of the previous instruction. This dependency is also referred to as raw dependency, or "Read-After-Write".

When it comes to output dependency, the ordering of instructions in a program plays a vital role. If the ordering of instructions is improper, it will affect the final value of a variable. We refer to this dependency as a WAW dependency or Write-After-Write.

When it comes to anti-dependency, instruction in a program requires a value that will be updated later. This is known as WAR dependency or Write-After-Read dependency.

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11. What do you understand by extension and intension in Relational Database Systems?

Intension is the permanent part of a relationship in a database. In short, it is independent of time. Intension has two components: a structure as well as a set of integrity constraints.

On the other hand, extension is time-dependent and temporary. It is a set of records from a table that can appear at any time. The records constantly change since they are created, updated, or deleted by users at any time.

12. What do you mean by paged segmentation?

It is a flexible memory allocation technique that divides the address space of a process into many segments. It divides tables into many small segments. And the segments are again divided into many pages. That means if the size of the tables is too large, we use paged segmentation.

Using paged segmentation, we can create different sizes of segments and pages. Mainly, it resolves external fragmentation issues.

13. Define index hunting.

Index hunting is the process that we use to improve query performance. In this process, the query optimizer helps coordinate queries. Also, we closely track query distribution to improve query performance.

14. What is the Marker Interface in Java?

An empty interface in Java is known as the Marker interface. It means this interface has no method, field, or constant. Marker interfaces usually pass messages to the JVM. It is done when the class implementing this interface has a few more functionalities. That’s why a marker interface is marked as a command to the JVM.

Marker interfaces are also called tag interfaces. Cloneable, remote, and serializable interfaces are some of the marker interfaces.

15. What do you understand by "header-linked list"?

It is one of the types of linked lists in which there is a head node. The head of a linked list first connects with the head node. Then other nodes continue after the head node. The head node usually holds the global information about the entire linked list. At the same time, the other nodes contain data items.

There are two types of linked lists: circular-headed linked lists and grounded-header linked lists.

[Reletad Article: Linked List Interview Questions]

Genpact Interview Questions For Experienced

16. How is functional testing different from regression testing?

We perform functional testing to check whether the developed software meets the desired requirements. Black Box testing, Unit testing, and White Box testing are a few types of functional testing. It is essential to note that we must perform functional testing manually and then perform automated testing.

We perform regression testing to check whether the changes or additions made to the software create bugs. This testing allows performing manual testing and automated testing in any order.

17. What are the differences between the unique and primary keys?

Unique Key

Primary Key

It stores NULL values.

It doesn’t store NULL values.

A table can have multiple unique keys.

Every table is only allowed to have one primary key.

It allows for deleting and modifying data.

It doesn’t allow you to modify or delete data.

It ensures unique data.

It ensures entity integrity.

We cannot cluster the default index.

We can cluster the default index.

It allows duplicate keys.

It doesn’t allow duplicate keys.

18. List the pros and cons of user-level threads.

Know that users implement the user-level threads.

Pros of user-level threads

  • They are faster than kernel-level threads.
  • They support any operating system. They don't expect any privileges. 

Cons of user-level threads

  • If one thread blocks an operation, it will block the entire process.
  • It is impossible to perform multiprocessing.

19. What are the different types of C pointers?

Below are the different types of pointers used in the "C" language.

20. Can a function argument in Python have a default value?

Yes. Python allows a function argument to have a default value.

21. Write a C program to print the prime numbers up to 25.


int main()
      int n,i,fact, j;
      printf("Enter the Number");
      scanf("%d", &n);
      printf("Prime Numbers are: \n");
      for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
             for(j=1; j<=n; j++)
                    printf("%d" ,i);
return 0;


→Input optional            →Output
25                          2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23

22. Can we overload a method based on the return type?

We cannot overload a method based on the different return types. This is because the methods must have the same name in addition to the parameters. The parameters can be numbers and types.

23. Why do we use hashCodes in Java?

We use hashCodes in Java to compute the hash values of Java objects. And we use the hashCode ( ) method to compute hash values of integer objects. Also, we use hashCode (int value) to compute hash values of primitive integer values. These hash values are usually stored in Java collections such as HashMap, HashTable, and HashSet.

24. How is lazy loading different from eager loading?

Lazy loading is the practice of delaying the loading of web pages to improve their performance and optimize the utilization of resources. We can reduce the initial load time and memory space with lazy loading and optimize the bandwidth.

On the other side, eager loading is the practice of loading web pages soon after the code is executed. The drawback with this loading is that it will affect the performance of web pages if unnecessary data is loaded.

25. Compare: Dynamic Testing and Static Testing

Dynamic testing

Static testing

It is performed at the validation stage.

It is performed at the verification stage.

It is a kind of response mechanism.

It is a kind of prevention mechanism.

We perform dynamic testing to fix the bugs that have already been created.

We perform static testing to prevent the creation of bugs.

It is not cost-effective when compared to static testing.

It is cost-effective.

It identifies fewer bugs when compared to static testing.

It identifies bugs as much as possible.

It takes a long time.

It can perform this testing in a short time.

 26. Compare: retesting and regression testing?


Regression Testing

It is done to check whether the software normally works after fixing bugs.

It is done to check whether the software normally works after a few changes are made to it.

It checks whether a non-working piece of the software works normally or not.

It is done to check whether the working software continues to function normally or not. 

It is done after finding bugs in codes.

It is done after making changes to the software. There is no connection to bugs.

We cannot automate retesting.

We can automate regression testing.

27. Why do we perform pattern matching in C++?

We perform pattern matching in C++ to find sequences from a long string. For example, 'program' is a string that we can locate in the long string 'C programming. In a way, it is an alternative to ‘if’ statements.

We can achieve pattern matching with the help of searching algorithms. These algorithms identify the location of sequences in long strings. The native string algorithm is one example of a searching algorithm.

28. How is the copy constructor different from the assignment operator in C++?

Copy constructor

Assignment operator

We call this constructor if we want to create a new object from a source object.

We call this operator if we want to assign a new value to an object from another object.

We use a separate memory location to store new objects as well as the source object.

We use the same memory location to store the source as well as new objects.

It is an overloaded constructor.

It is a bitwise operator.

[Reletad Article: C++ Interview Questions]

29. Explain the various levels of data abstraction in a DBMS.

We can implement data abstraction in DBMS on three levels, as follows:

  • Physical level: This is the bottom-level data abstraction. This layer deals with storing raw data in databases. It also deals with data access methods and data structures.
  • Logical level: It is the middle-level data abstraction. This layer deals with the relationships between the data. This layer also deals with creating tables along with creating relationships among tables.
  • View level: The topmost level of data abstraction is the view level. This layer deals with how users will view the data.

[Reletad Article: DBMS Interview Questions]

30. What will happen if you delete a pointer twice in a program?

It all depends on how the compiler runs the codes of a program. It will result in a runtime error. But sometimes, it may run smoothly.

Genpact  FAQs

1. How do I clear the Genpact interview?

You must thoroughly learn core computer concepts such as operating systems, DBMS, OOPs, data structures and algorithms, SQL, and computer networks. You must have good coding skills in modern languages such as C, Java, C++, Python, etc. Above all, you should improve your problem-solving skills, analytical skills, leadership qualities, etc.

2. Why do you wish to join Genpact?

If interviewers ask this question, you can answer in the following way: I will get maximum exposure at Genpact since IT offers many services to multiple sectors worldwide. It would be a better platform to develop my knowledge and expertise.

3. How many interview rounds are there in the Genpact interview?

There are three rounds in the Genpact interview. They are an online written test, technical interviews, and an HR round.

4. Is Genpact a BPO or KPO?

Genpact is a BPO.

5. What skills and knowledge are required to get placed at Genpact?

You must be strong in C, Java, C++, and Python coding. Also, you must have good knowledge of all the computer concepts.

6. How long is the complete interview process at Genpact?

All three rounds will last for 2-3 weeks.

7. Is Genpact a firm with five working days a week?

Yes. It works five days a week.

8. What is the salary range for software engineers at Genpact?

For software engineers with 1–4 years of experience, the salary package would be around 10 LPA.

Genpact Leadership Principles

It’s a fact that leaders are the driving force of an organization. An employee's performance level depends on the encouragement and guidance they receive from their leaders. This way, Genpact leaders support their employees in all ways possible.

Let’s take a look at the leadership principles of Genpact leaders now.

  • Diversity

Genpact leaders are keen on implementing diversity in the workplace. Mainly, they ensure gender balance, equality, and respect for women in the workplace. It doesn’t matter what the race, religion, ethnicity, or country of employees, Genpact leaders demonstrate inclusion by embracing them without any restriction.

  • Agile Approach

Leaders at Genpact drive their teams to perform their activities with an agile approach. They insist on continuous improvement in every activity their teams are involved in. They ensure that systems and processes are well-tuned to adapt dynamically to internal or external changes. As a result, they always try to deliver positive and consistent business outcomes.

  • Scale with Speed

Genpact leaders ensure that every part of their business must grow and scale seamlessly. Not just mere scaling, but the leaders are keen on scaling at a high pace. They encourage their teams to develop systems and processes that can scale to any level to meet the ever-changing demands.

  • Transformation

The leaders of Genpact are highly interested in driving transformation in every aspect of the business. They want their teams and clients to emerge stronger by adopting the latest digital transformation technologies. They wish to enhance every part of the business by employing the latest technologies.

Tips to Clear the Genpact Interview

It’s a fact that many candidates have good coding skills and in-depth knowledge of computer concepts, but they fail to ace Genpact interviews. This is because they lack the ability to showcase their talents correctly to interviewers.

Remember the following pointers while attending the Genpact interview to crack the interview easily.

Tip #1: Be yourself and focus

You must be yourself in the interview, which is the foremost thing to consider while attending any interview. Do not be nervous. If you lose control, you may miss delivering the correct answers. So be calm and polite from the moment you enter the interview room until you leave. Being in control is essential while attending any interview. 

Tip #2: Listen and Understand Questions

Before jumping into answers, listen carefully and grasp the questions correctly. Even if the talk between you and the interview team is casual, imbibe the situation and respond cautiously. Feel free to ask interviewers to repeat the question if you need clarification. But never answer a question you didn't understand or only partially understand.

Tip #3: Demonstrate that you are a lifelong learner.

It is a given that change is constant. Everything is changing in the world, and your job is no exception. You need to learn continuously to perform your role better in the long run. You must be eager to learn new technologies and acquire new skills. So you must showcase yourself to interviewers as a lifelong learner who is always in touch with current technologies and mastering the skills required for today’s job roles.

Tip #4: Demonstrate your strengths

Most importantly, be clear about your strengths. Interviewers may ask a variety of questions during the interview. Never miss the chance whenever you identify the right situation to demonstrate your strengths. Impress the interviewers by showcasing your strengths and critical skills.


At a glance, we hope that you have gone through the top 30 Genpact interview questions and answers. So, it is clear that you must have good knowledge of computer fundamentals and coding skills to nail the Genpact interview. Moreover, you must have a good idea about the Genpact interview process, leadership principles, tips to clear the Genpact interview process, and FAQs as well.

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Last updated: 27 May 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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