SAP CPI Interview Questions

Are you thinking of appearing for an SAP CPI interview? If yes, hold on and navigate through the latest SAP CPI interview questions for freshers and experienced candidates as presented by MindMajix in this post. Additionally, also find some tips to clear SAP CPI interviews in this post. 

SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) is one cloud-based middleware that is used for connecting SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems’ users to diverse third-party products. By using SAP CPI, you can easily connect cloud applications with other SAP apps and on-premise apps. This way, you can ensure real-time exchange among systems. 

If you’re applying for the role of an SAP cloud consultant, make sure you practice SAP CPI interview questions as much as you can. This will help you sharpen your skills and create a strong position for yourself. 

Through this article, MindMajix has brought some of the latest SAP CPI interview questions with answers for both beginners and experienced people. So, let’s get started. 

SAP CPI Interview Questions - Table of Content

Top 10 Frequently Asked SAP CPI Interview Questions

  1. Define SAP CPI.
  2. Which framework is used to build CPI?
  3. Briefly explain the SAP CPI architecture.
  4. What are the integration services that CPI offers?
  5. Differentiate between Neo and Cloud Foundry?
  6. What are the types of cloud service models?
  7. Mention some common transport errors.
  8. What do you know about Enterprise Resource Planning?
  9. Define pooled tables in SAP.
  10. What is the difference between Native SQL and Open SQL?

Basic SAP CPI Interview Questions

If you are just starting out and are trying to create a career in this domain, here is a list of basic SAP CPI interview questions for beginners. 

1. Define SAP CPI.

SAP Cloud Platform Integration (CPI) is a tool that is prevalently used to create and deploy custom apps. It offers a set of applications and tools that assist execute end-to-end tasks on development and deployment, packaging and publishing, and assassin, and editing the integration content. 

CPI basically works in the form of an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS). The major advantage of using CPI is that this one is a cloud-based platform and is provided as a service. This means that the organization doesn’t invest money in in-house infrastructure and hardware. 

If you want to enrich your career and become an SAP CPI professional, enroll in "SAP CPI Training". This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

2. What are the reasons to use SAP CPI?

Business demands are consistently evolving based on technological advancements and other developments. In such a scenario, businesses must respond innovatively and quickly to changing demands so as to not interrupt business processes. 

At this given point, harmonizing business processes and organizational departments is extremely important. With SAP CPI, companies can lighten the workload and save costs significantly. They can integrate systems between departments to maximize business efficiency. 

One of the reasons behind implementing SAP CPI is also the importance of tracking every department and activity taking place in the company. There are several processes, like data collection, collaboration, automation of processes, and more. With SAP CPI, systems and applications can be integrated with ease; thus, ensuring everything works effectively. 

3. Which framework is used to build CPI?

Apache Camel Integration framework is used to build CPI.

4. What are some primary features of SAP cloud integration?

Here are some of the best features of SAP cloud integration:

  • Implementation of Several Scenarios: It can integrate data and processes in business-to-business and application-to-application scenarios.
  • Connection to Different Endpoints: You can integrate several data sources and apps from non-SAP and SAP, cloud, and on-premise. SAP cloud integration is available with varying prebuilt adapters. 
  • Customise SAP Integration Scenarios: You can avail advantages of prepackaged integration content to begin integration projects and set up productive scenarios with minimum effort. You can even extend predefined integration flows as per your requirements.
  • Develop Custom Adapters: You can use adapter SDK to develop custom adapters for extra connectivity requirements.
  • Access Public APIs: You can customize the SAP cloud integration access with public OData APIs. 

5. Briefly explain the SAP CPI architecture.

The SAP CPI architecture comes with two integration nodes, such as runtime node and tenant management. Basically, the runtime node features the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and inflows run throughout the JVM node. It regulates the audit log and processes messages. Most frequently, it interacts with external systems through the load balancer. 

On the other hand, the tenant management nodes help read the data and manage the runtime node that the runtime node is liable for writing. This node offers a front-end editor to developers and administrators performing a variety of tasks, like user creation and role management. Moreover, it acts as an agent between varying runtime parts of human users and CPI. 

6. What do you know about the sorting or filter concept in CPI?

SAP CPI filters can be used to extract information or data from an incoming message. Through the CPI filter, you can keep just the necessary data or information. For effective filtering of information, you will need profound knowledge of XML. 

However, there is another method of filtering the information in SAP CPI as well, which is through message mapping filtering. There is also groovy mapping that helps perform complex and advanced filtering. In CPI, sorting is not an inbuilt concept. Thus, you will have to rely on custom solutions for it. 

7. What are the integration services that CPI offers?

The SAP CPI offers a variety of integration services. For example, it provides Application Programming Interface (API) management that assists in managing the API, assessing the use of API, and limiting API access. 

CPI provides connectivity as it assists in connecting the on-premise application with the CPI interface. Apart from this, it also provides process integration that is extensively used by SAP consultants. It helps in developing and exchanging information through varying connectivity adapters. Lastly, SAP CPI also provides an API business hub that helps in publishing custom APIs in the business hub. 

8. What integration scenarios can you build through SAP CPI?

The diverse integration scenarios that you can develop through SAP CPI are cloud-to-cloud integration and on-premise-to-cloud integration. While the former helps in connecting diverse cloud applications, the latter helps in connecting on-premise systems and cloud apps. 

9. Differentiate between Neo and Cloud Foundry?

Here are some differences between neo and cloud foundry:

  • The primary difference between neo and cloud foundry is that the latter comprises an open-source runtime and the former comprises SAP proprietary runtime. 
  • Moreover, the cloud foundry environment is supportive of Bring Your On Language concept and the neo environment does not support that. 
  • Another major difference between the two is that the cloud foundry is supportive of multiple data centers, like GCP, Azure, and AWS while neo only supports SAP data centers. 

10. What are the SAP pre-built adapters used for?

SAP provides a set of prebuilt adapters with CPI, which can be used for the following:

  • Synchronous and asynchronous data integration
  • Application-to-application (A2A) integration
  • Business-to-business (B2B) integration
  • Data source and applications integration between cloud and non-premise apps
  • Data source and applications integration between non-SAP and SAP systems

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11. What do you know about cloud computing?

Cloud computing simply means accessing IT resources as a Service. You can easily get IT resources, such as Servers Software as a Service, and Infrastructure, meaning you merely use the resources by paying for them. There are several vendors providing the services for consumption, such as:

  • Mac, Linux, or Windows machine
  • Proxy, Firewall, or Internet
  • Customized hardware spec machine
  • A system with installed software
  • Ready-to-use software apps

All of these services can be accessed through the internet; thus, they are called cloud computing. One of the best advantages of cloud computing is that you can easily access your application and data from anywhere. 

12. What are the types of cloud service models?

There are three types of cloud service models, such as:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS): With this, you can effortlessly access software from any place. Vendors will be installing, maintaining, and upgrading the software whenever needed. You will have to pay the monthly fees in return for the software. 
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): With this, you get to access the platform where your team of developers can easily build and deploy applications. Some examples of this platform are the SAP cloud platform, Google cloud platform, and AWS cloud platform. You can get access to apps like web-based applications, web servers, or cloud editors. There, you can build codes and deploy them. 
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): With this, you can access infrastructure like a proxy, network, or server. You will be liable for setting up the hardware as you like in the cloud environment. Vendors will provide you complete access to infrastructure; thus, you can move all the company servers, applications, and networks to the cloud. 

[Related Article: Types of cloud computing ]

13. How many types of cloud deployment models are there?

Cloud deployment models simply mean how you are managing the cloud platform. There are three varying types of cloud deployment models, such as:

  • Public: It means you will get to use shared resources; however, your apps and data will be completely secured. 
  • Private: This one is completely private to you and the employees of your company. 
  • Hybrid: This is a combination of both public and private clouds. 

14. List the adapters supported in CPI.

There is a variety of adapters that are supported in CPI, such as:

  • Ariba
  • AS4
  • AS2
  • XI
  • IDOC
  • SOAP
  • JDBC
  • SFTP
  • JMS
  • RFC
  • LDAP
  • MAIL
  • ODC

15. What is the use of predefined integration content?

SAP cloud integration lets you develop, deploy and consume services in a pretty standardized way. SAP comes with a predefined set of integration content that covers a major part of the integration required for a specific scenario. You can use predefined integration content so as to implement integration scenarios with minimal effort and time. To achieve this, you will have to register with SAP Cloud integration and complete the entire onboarding process. 

Advanced SAP CPI Interview Questions

If you are experienced in SAP CPI and are looking for a job change, this set of advanced SAP CPI interview questions is for you.

16. Mention some common transport errors.

Some of the common transport errors are:

  • Return Code 4: Generation of row missing, columns, or program, imported with warnings
  • Return Code 8: Dictionary activation error, program generation error, imported with a syntax error, and more
  • Return Code 12: It indicates import canceled because of an object missing, or object not active, etc.
  • Return Code 18: It is the indication of canceled import because the system is down when importing, insufficient authorization or roles, and the user expired during importing

17. Explain the method for writing a BDC program.

An easy method of writing the BDC program will be as follow:

  • To begin with, create a recording
  • Convert that legacy system data to a flat file in the internal table known as Conversion
  • Now, transfer that flat file into an SAP system known as SAP Data Transfer
  • Based on the type of BDC, either CREATE SESSIONS or CALL TRANSACTION

18. Define applications, database servers, and presentations in SAP R/3.

In an R/3 system, an application layer is created between the message server and the application server. In an R/3 system, application programs generally run on application servers. With the help of a message server, the application servers contact the database, presentation components, and one another. The data gets stored in a centralized server, called the database server. 

19. What do you know about Enterprise Resource Planning?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integrated computer-based system or software that is efficiently used by companies for managing and planning daily activities, like services, financials, supply chains, manufacturing, and more. ERP ensures a seamless flow of information and handles workflows within varying departments in an enterprise. Initially, the primary objective of an ERP was to manage and plan core business, like financial market and production. However, today, it is being used in integrating information across the company.

SAP was one of the few first organizations to offer advanced ERP solutions and create standard software for business solutions. Baan, PeopleSoft, Siebel, JD Edwards, and Microsoft Dynamics are some other ERP examples available out there.

ERP software comprises every core business area, like human resources, materials management, sales, marketing, finance, procurement, production, and more. 

[Related Article: SAP ERP Interview Questions]

20. What is SAP generally used for?

SAP helps companies and organizations of all sizes and allows industries to run businesses profitably by consistently receiving changes and growing sustainably. The organizations develop SAP software solutions that can be easily used by smaller businesses, mid-sized companies, and larger corporations. 

Every business process can be designed and mapped with the assistance of standard technologies, industry solutions, platforms, and applications. The SAP software collects and processes data on an individual platform. This data can be relevant to raw material purchasing, customer satisfaction, production, etc. 

You can use SAP solutions either from the cloud or installed on-premise at a place, helping companies analyze and design the value chain with efficiency. Additionally, SAP solutions are beneficial in the development of forecasts, like how revenue will be developed in the next year, when will a machine require repairing, and more. 

21. What do you know about transaction data, master data, and metadata?

Transaction data comprises data associated with daily transactions. For instance, the everyday production details related to regular transactions, material accumulation, and more.

Master data comprises everything that a company does and how it is defined over competitors and other business units. It assists in establishing a complete 360-degree business view. Master data has essential business information, like employees, materials, customer information, and more. 

Metadata is the representation of data. It offers information pertaining to the database table objects, the data structure, and more. For instance, the ABAP dictionary is meant to offer information associated with the data within RDBMS. 

22. What is the difference between data mining and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)?

The below-mentioned table explains the difference between data mining and OLAP:

Data Mining

Online Analytical Processing 

Data mining is one analytic process that is used for data analysis with the purpose of discovering consistent patterns. 

OLAP is one of the reporting tools that is used to comprehend the composition facts, dimensions, and database schema. 

It is generally used for future predictions. 

It is generally used for analyzing past data. 

It works with data summary. 

It works with detailed transaction-level data. 

Herein, a bottom-up data methodology is used where insights are accumulated by analyzing data. 

Here, a top-down data methodology is used where insights are accumulated by analyzing the bigger picture. 

23. Define pooled tables in SAP.

A pooled table is a specialized table available in the SAP Advanced Business Application Programming (ABAP) dictionary and is used to store control data. It is an SAP proprietary creation and has many-to-one relations with tables in the SAP database. This simply means that for a given pooled table in a database, the SAP data dictionary can have several small tables. SAP will be using pooled tables to hold and integrate a large number of small tables. This, in turn, helps in decreasing the resources and space needed at the database level. Mainly, SAP uses pooled tables for system data maintenance. 

24. What do you know about SAP R/3?

It is a third-generation set of integrated software modules and one of the significant SAP products. Here, R signifies RealTime and the number 3 signifies three-tier app architecture. 

SAP R/3 is an organization-wide information system that is primarily created to coordinate resources, activities, and information needed to complete common processes, like production planning, order fulfillment, billing, human resource management, and more.

While SAP R/3 can be used by any company, it still varies in terms of operations. There are three primary layers in SAP R/3, such as:

  • Presentation Layer: It comprises software components made of SAPgui (Graphical User Interface). This layer is liable for sending the input of users to the application server and for receiving the data to be showcased.   
  • Application Layer: It comprises multiple or single application servers along with a message server. This message server helps transmit requests from one application server to the other in a system. Alongside this, it holds information related to application server groups and the current load balancing. It uses the information to assign an accurate server when someone logs into the system.
  • Database Layer: This one comprises a central database system with every data in the R/3 system. SAP has come up with its own database, which is named HANA and it is compatible with several other databases as well. 

25. What is the difference between Native SQL and Open SQL?

Here is the difference between Native SQL and Open SQL:

Native SQL

Open SQL

It consists of database-specific SQL statements. 

It consists ABAP specific SQL statements. 

Native SQL can be used on such database tables that the ABAP dictionary is not administering. 

Open SQL can only operate on such database tables that were created in the ABAP dictionary. 

It doesn’t support table buffering in the SAP application server. 

It supports table buffering in the SAP application server. 

It is not supportive of conjunction with ABAP construction. 

It supports conjunction with ABAP construction. 

[Related Article: SQL Interview Questions]

26. What do you know about .sca files?

SAP Component Archive (.sca) files are helpful when it comes to deploying components, java patches, and other Java developments in the form of .sca, .war, .sda, and .jar.

27. What is transactional RFC?

Transactional Remote Function Call (RFC) lets you give out the sent request for a mistake in a system. This is done after the ID is allocated for the transaction, which is also called Transaction ID (TID). Remote system access is not important during this moment in the transaction RFC. 

28. What do you know about the posting key?

The posting key is the two-digit numeric key that is used to comprehend the transaction type entered in the line item. It is used for determining the account types (A = Assets, D = Customers, K = Vendors, M = Materials, S = General Ledger Account), the entry screens’ layout, and the posting types (credit or debit). Special posting keys are used in posting specific general ledger transactions. 

29. What do you know about SAP Launchpad?

SAP Launchpad is helpful in simplifying access to business applications with a role-based and personalized launchpad site. It lets organizations establish a central point of access to SAP, such as SAP S/4HANA, third-party applications, custom-built applications, and more, both on the cloud and on-premise environments. 

30. Can you list different SAP modules?

The different SAP modules are:

  • Financial Accounting (FI)
  • Business Warehousing (BW)
  • Controlling (CO)
  • Sales and Distribution (SD)
  • Enterprise Controlling (EC)
  • Human Resources (HR)
  • Treasury (TR)
  • Enterprise Asset Management (EAM)
  • Materials Management (MM)
  • Quality Management (QM)
  • Production Planning (PP)
  • Investment Management (IM)


1. What is SAP CPI used for?

SAP CPI is the cloud-based middleware of SAP that connects the SAP ERP systems and third-party products. Such products can be anything - non-SAP, SAP, on-premise, or cloud-based. This service lets real-time exchange of data between the systems. 

2. Is SAP CPI an ETL?

Yes, SAP CPI is an ETL solution that extracts the data and transforms the same. 

3. What is SAP CPI called now?

SAP CPI is called SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) now. 

4. Is SAP CPI difficult?

While it is easy to create an interface with SAP CPI, it is relatively difficult to design and architect it. 

5. On what framework is SAP CPI based?

SAP CPI is based on the Apache Camel framework. 

6. What is the difference between SAP PI and CPI?

SAP CPI is a flexible approach and offers transparency in regard to the processing steps, be it security, transformation, routing, or conversion. On the other hand, SAP PI offers a flexible environment for development but it adheres to a standardized methodology which is Connectivity > Routing > Mapping > Connectivity. 

7. What is IDoc in SAP CPI?

IDoc adapter lets SAP CPI exchange Intermediate Document messages with systems that are supportive of communication through SOAP web services. 

Tips to Clear SAP CPI Interview

 Following are some tips that will help you clear the SAP CPI interview with ease:

Tip #1: Relate answers to skills

If possible, make sure you answer each technical question by relating it to the skills you possess. Whenever possible, create a connection between the job opportunity and the job specification.

Tip #2: Stay focused on your answer

Considering that the interviewer will have to deal with several candidates in a day, you must respect their time. Thus, be concise with your answers and stay focused on the question asked. Don’t extend the answer unnecessarily just to take more time.

Tip #3: Research well

Make sure you are preparing yourself well by researching and studying questions asked previously. Since SAP CPI is technical, the more questions you practice, the better it will be for you.

Tip #4: Read the description thoroughly

Before attending the interview, make sure you read through the job description thoroughly and understand what exactly the employer is looking for. It will help you put forward your best foot. 


Being prepared before attempting the SAP CPI interview always gives you an edge in comparison to your competitors. Now that you have the latest SAP CPI interview questions in front of you, make sure you read through them thoroughly, understand every bit of them, and crack the interview like a professional. 

If you would like to sharpen your skills further in SAP CPI, get yourself enrolled in this"SAP CPI Training"The course helps you gain knowledge on this cloud-based middleware technology and understand the use of cloud infrastructure among other things. 

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Course Schedule
SAP CPI TrainingMar 22 to Apr 06View Details
SAP CPI TrainingMar 25 to Apr 09View Details
SAP CPI TrainingMar 29 to Apr 13View Details
SAP CPI TrainingApr 01 to Apr 16View Details
Last updated: 23 Dec 2024
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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