AWS DevOps Interview Questions

Looking for the top 60 AWS DevOps interview questions and answers in 2024 for your upcoming technical interview? You are on the right blog! Preparing for an AWS DevOps interview can be daunting, but understanding AWS services, DevOps practices, and deployment strategies can make a big difference. Studying and practicing top AWS interview questions can increase your chances of performing well and impressing your interviewer. So know the interview questions and do well in the interview.

AWS DevOps is becoming the standard for software developers all over the world very quickly. With the arrival of powerful computing technologies and new methods and techniques that help scale DevOps methods to the cloud by using AWS, this idea is giving organizations all over the world a lot of value.

AWS DevOps has been on the increase for some time, and the number of available positions grows daily. These leading AWS DevOps Interview Questions 2024 have been created to assist you in preparing for an AWS DevOps Engineer interview. This blog will examine AWS DevOps interview questions to help you in evaluating your readiness for your upcoming AWS DevOps interview.

Top 10 Frequently Asked AWS DevOps Interview Questions

  1. What is DevOps in AWS?
  2. What is AWS in DevOps?
  3. Name a few popular DevOps tools used in the industry
  4. What exactly is AMI?
  5. What does AWS IoT mean in AWS DevOps?
  6. In AWS DevOps, explain VPC Peering
  7. What are the most important AWS services for DevOps
  8. What part does CodeBuild play in automating the release process
  9. Which programming frameworks does AWS DevOps CodeBuild support
  10. What is Amazon QuickSight in AWS DevOps

AWS DevOps Interview Questions For Freshers

1) What is DevOps in AWS? 

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a cloud computing platform owned and operated by Amazon that focuses on providing services that facilitate the adoption of DevOps culture inside a company. 

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2) What is AWS in DevOps?

AWS is Amazon's cloud service platform, making it easy for users to do DevOps work. The technologies will assist in automating tedious activities, making it simpler for teams to manage complex environments and for engineers to operate swiftly and effectively with DevOps.

3) What does a DevOps Engineer do?

A DevOps Engineer's main jobs are to provision and design the right deployment models and validate and monitor performance. A DevOps Engineer runs an organization's IT infrastructure based on what the software code needs directly. 

4) What skills are required for AWS DevOps?

Important skills for an AWS DevOps engineer include operations, observability, continuous delivery, automation, infrastructure as code, the cloud, and configuration management, among others.

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5) What are the components of DevOps?

The components of DevOps include

  • Continuous Development 
  • Continuous Testing 
  • Continuous Integration 
  • Continuous Monitoring 
  • Continuous Feedback 
  • Continuous Deployment

6) Name a few popular DevOps tools used in the industry.

Some popular DevOps software includes Selenium, the code hosting services GitHub and GitLab, the configuration management tool Ansible, the continuous integration server Jenkins, etc.

7) What are the different stages of the DevOps lifecycle?

The various stages of the DevOps lifecycle are as follows:

  • Plan
  • Code
  • Build 
  • Test 
  • Integrate 
  • Deploy
  • Operate
  • Monitor 

8) Name the key components of AWS applied in DevOps

Each of the AWS services is designed to work based on the DevOps culture. Some of the key components of AWS applied in DevOps are AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, and AWS CodeStar.

9) What is CodeBuild in AWS DevOps?

  • AWS CodeBuild compiles source code executes tests and generates deployment-ready software packages.
  • You can set up, run, and grow your own Construct servers with CodeBuild.
  • It works on the union builds at the same time and always scales, so the builds don't have to wait in a queue.

10) What is CodePipeline in AWS DevOps?

  • CodePipeline is an AWS service that offers continuous delivery and continuous integration. In addition, it has provisions for infrastructure improvements.
  • With the user-defined release model protocols, building, testing, and deployment processes become extremely simple after each build.

11) What is CodeStar in AWS DevOps?

  • You can swiftly create, build, and deploy applications on AWS with AWS CodeStar.
  • With AWS CodeStar, you can set up your whole continuous delivery toolchain in a matter of minutes, allowing for faster code releases.

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12) What is CodeDeploy in AWS DevOps?

  • CodeDeploy is an automated service that deploys code to any instance, including local servers and Amazon EC2 instances.
  • CodeDeploy's primary benefit is the functionality that enables users to swiftly release new builds and model features while avoiding downtime during the deployment process.

13) What are the pillars of AWS?

The 6 AWS Pillars of a well-architected framework include

  • Security. 
  • Reliability. 
  • Sustainability.
  • Performance Efficiency. 
  • Operational Excellence.
  • Cost Optimization

14) What is the 6r from AWS?

AWS took this model and added the 6 R's to it:

  1. Re-platform
  2. Re-host 
  3. Re-factor/Re-architect
  4. Retire 
  5. Re-purchase
  6. Retain

15) What is migration in AWS?

AWS Server Migration Service (SMS) is a service that lets you move virtual-only workloads from on-premises infrastructure or Microsoft Azure to AWS without installing an agent. This makes it easier and faster to move workloads when you can't install an agent.

16) What is status code 403 in AWS?

The HTTP 403 response code indicates that a client is denied access to a valid URL. The server understands the request, but I can't fulfill duties on the client's end. The caller is not permitted to use the API, which an API Gateway Lambda authorizer protects.

17) How do I fix AWS error 503?

Check to see if the group has registered any targets.

  1. Access the console for Amazon EC2.
  2. Under Load Balancing in the navigation pane, select Target Groups.
  3. Select the target group's name to view its details page.
  4. Select the Objectives tab.
  5. Check to see whether there are any identified targets.

18) What is the difference between Azure DevOps tools and AWS DevOps?

Integration within their own cloud environments and with third-party services is the primary distinction between AWS DevOps and Azure DevOps technologies.

19) What are the 4 key components of DevOps?

An effective DevOps pipeline should comprise the following fundamental elements:

  • Source control management.
  • CI/CD framework.
  • Build automation tools.
  • Code testing framework.

20) What are some benefits of using AWS Elastic Beanstalk?

AWS Elastic Beanstalk is a service that makes it easy to deploy, manage, and scale your applications in the AWS Cloud. Elastic Beanstalk's advantages include 

  • Automatic scalability 
  • Automatic load balancing, and 
  • Support for many languages during deployment (including Java,.NET, and PHP, among others).

Intermediate AWS Devops Interview Questions

21) What is "shift left to reduce failure" in the DevOps world

Shift left is a concept that originates from DevOps and has the potential to improve a variety of aspects, including security and performance. For instance, if we consider all of the stages in the DevOps process, we can assert that security is evaluated before the stage that involves deployment. We can integrate security into the leftmost portion of the development phase if we use the left shift method.

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22) With AWS DevOps, what exactly is AWS CodeCommit?

CodeCommit is an AWS-hosted source control service that facilitates the secure and scalable hosting of Git repositories. By using CodeCommit, developers no longer have to worry about implementing and expanding their infrastructure and maintaining a source control system as needed.

23) How does Amazon Web Services connect to DevOps?

AWS is an innovative cloud computing platform that provides high-speed and high-quality services to consumers worldwide. AWS incorporates capabilities that are extremely compatible with DevOps. DevOps enables AWS to maintain the promised rapid delivery of services, automated manual interventions, and scale-up solutions in even the most complicated situations, given that AWS serves a wide variety of clients in multiple geographic regions.

24) How does AWS contribute to DevOps?

Combining AWS with DevOps techniques makes it possible for businesses to build and deploy products more quickly and reliably. With these services, it's easier to govern and manage infrastructure, deploy application code, coordinate software release procedures, and measure the efficiency of your applications and infrastructure. 

25) What exactly is AMI? 

AMI stands for "Amazon Machine Image". It's an exact copy of the system's primary file system. When using AWS, a "machine image" can be obtained that contains all the data required to launch an "instance" (virtual server in a cloud-computing environment). Root volume templates, block device mappings, and permissions to turn on services are all part of an AMI.

26) What are the advantages of AWS for DevOps?

AWS for DevOps brings with it a wide range of benefits. Here are some of them:

  • Automation
  • Reliable and Secure
  • Flexible programming
  • Enhanced Scaling
  • Pay-As-You-Go

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27) What is the difference between agile and DevOps?

DevOps offers continuous integration and continuous delivery by employing the operations team, whereas agile focuses on enhancing the efficiency of developers and development cycles.

28) How can Testing be automated in the DevOps lifecycle?

Changes to the code must be committed by all developers to a central DevOps repository. Any time any modifications are made to the code, continuous integration technologies like Jenkins will pull the updated files from the central repository and push them to the server, where they may be subjected to continuous testing with software like Selenium.

29) How does AWS DevOps set up a building project?

Amazon CLI simplifies the configuration of a construction project. Users can enter the aforementioned details, as well as the computation class needed to execute the build and more. As with many things on AWS, the procedure is simplified and streamlined.

30) Which AWS DevOps source repositories are compatible with CodeBuild?

Whether it's from GitHub, AWS S3, or AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodeBuild can quickly and efficiently retrieve the necessary source code for the build.

31) In AWS CodeBuild, how can previous build results be viewed?

In CodeBuild, it's easy to see the results of the last build. You can do it either through the console or through the API. Here are some of the results:

  • Output artifact location
  • Build duration
  • Outcome (success/failure)
  • Output log (and the corresponding location)

32) What does AWS IoT mean in AWS DevOps?

The AWS IoT is a managed cloud platform that will make it easier for Internet-enabled gadgets to communicate and collaborate with other cloud-based software in a safe and reliable manner.

33) What is EBS in AWS DevOps?

EBS, or Elastic Block Storage, is Amazon Web Services virtual storage area network. EBS identifies the block-level storage volumes utilized by EC2 instances. AWS Elastic Block Store is reliable and highly compatible with other instances.

34) What do you mean by"branch" in Git?

Let's say you're working on an app's development, and you come up with a great idea for a new feature to develop. Because a new feature can be developed in a separate branch and then merged later. Some of the things you need to know is 

  • You always have to report to the main branch.
  • The corresponding circles on the branch represent commits.
  • Once the modifications have been made, the fork can be merged back into the main branch.

35) Briefly explain VPC endpoints.

By creating a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint, you can securely connect your VPC to another AWS service without going through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) or the Internet. They are VPC components that are highly scalable, redundant, and easy to get. They make it possible for instances in your AWS services and VPC to talk to one another without putting your network traffic at risk or going over your bandwidth gap.

36) Describe AWS DevOps's Continuous Integration briefly.

Software developers utilize a technique called continuous integration (CI) to design their applications. As part of Continuous Integration, programmers routinely commit new and updated code to a shared location. Then, automated builds and tests are completed. A key goal of the continuous integration process is the quick and effective correction of errors. It also improves software quality and reduces the time required to test and distribute new software upgrades.

37) What is the link between IAM users and AWS CodeStar?

AWS CodeStar enables IAM users to implement role-based access control policies throughout the development environment. Since AWS CodeStar users are based on IAM, they continue enjoying LIAM's administrative benefits. For instance, if you add an existing IAM user to a CodeStar project, the existing IAM global account standards remain in effect.

38) In AWS DevOps, explain VPC Peering.

A Virtual Private Cloud Peering connection is a network link between two or more VPCs. Using private IP addresses, it primarily helps route traffic between them. Additionally, instances within VPCs can talk to one another just as if they were on the same network. A VPC Peering connection might be useful for users because it expedites data transfer.

39) What are some problems that can come up when making a DevOps pipeline?

In this age of rapid technological development, DevOps faces a number of unique obstacles. Data migration methods and adding new features are the most frequently discussed topics. Failure to migrate data successfully can leave the system in a vulnerable position, which in turn can cause problems later on.

The only way to address this issue is to employ a feature flag within the CI system, which aids with incremental product releases. Together with the rollback feature, these measures can alleviate some of the difficulties.

40) How do Kubernetes containers in AWS DevOps communicate?

In Kubernetes, containers are mapped to something called a pod. Each pod can hold multiple containers. Since the pod's network topology is flat, exchanging data with other pods in the overlay network is simple.

Advanced AWS Devops Interview Questions

41) What are the most important AWS services for DevOps?

Some of the important AWS services for DevOps include

  • AWS Lambda
  • Amazon Elastic Container Services

42) What part does CodeBuild play in automating the release process?

AWS CodeBuild is one of the AWS Code services that may be used to automate the release process in the following ways:

  • For AWS CloudFormation users, initiate the creation of a Personal Access Token on GitHub.
  • Create a bucket in Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) for the constructed items.
  • AWS IAM provides customers with access to AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild.
  • Permit Kubernetes to utilize the AWS IAM role of AWS CodeBuild to make cluster modifications.
  • Create a buildspec.yml file. This file is used by CodeBuild to generate the code.
  • Create AWS CodeBuild projects that meet your requirements.
  • Utilize AWS CodePipeline to establish the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Validate the entire procedure and make any required adjustments to guarantee its success.

43) How does AWS DevOps auto-scaling work?

Autoscaling, also known as automatic scaling, is a cloud computing approach that automatically and dynamically adjusts the number of available computer resources. In most cases, the server load is used to establish the necessary number of servers and hence the number of resources. For instance, a web application or web page's server count might be dynamically increased or decreased in response to the number of people actively accessing the website.

44) How does AWS DevOps use Buffer?

AWS employs Buffer to coordinate several parts that are important in handling spikes in traffic. The use of a buffer is useful for preventing any one element from dominating another.

45) Tell me if it's possible to use the same instance of Memcache for more than one project.

Yes, you can use the same instance of Memcached for more than one project. Memcache is a memory storage system that can be run on several servers. You can also configure your client to communicate with only a subset of instances. Therefore, you can run two distinct Memcache processes on the same host without any interference. Unless you have partitioned your data, you must know in which instance to retrieve or save the data.

46) Could I vertically scale an AWS instance? 

Yes. This is a great thing about virtualization in the cloud and AWS. Spinup is a much bigger case than the one you are running right now. Stop the instance and remove the root EBS volume by separating it from this server. Next, stop your live instance and delete its root volume. Take note of the unique device ID, connect the root volume to your new server, and start it up again. This is how to move up and down in place.

47) How does AWS code deployment benefit AWS DevOps?

AWS Code Deploy is a service that makes software deployments to AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2,  and instances running on-premises easy and automatic. AWS DevOps makes it easier to release new features quickly, helps you avoid downtime when deploying applications, and takes care of the complexity of updating your apps.

48) How does Instacart use AWS DevOps?

Instacart automates deployments for all front-end and back-end services using AWS CodeDeploy. Using AWS CodeDeploy has allowed Instacart's engineers to concentrate more on their product and less on deployment operations.

49) Which programming frameworks does AWS DevOps CodeBuild support?

CodeBuild has already set up environments for supported versions of Ruby, Java, Go, Python, Android, Node.js, and Docker. You can also change your own environment by uploading a Docker image to the Docker Hub registry or Amazon EC2 Container Registry. 

50) How can I add or remove users from my AWS CodeStar projects?

Through the "Team" portion of the CodeStar console, you can add, modify, or remove people from a CodeStar project. You can grant Owner, Contributor, or Viewer permissions to users. Additionally, you can remove users or modify their roles at any moment.

51) How do AWS CodeStar and IAM users interact?

CodeStar users are IAM users that are managed by CodeStar to give your development environment ready-made, role-based access policies. Since CodeStar users are built on IAM, you continue to get the administrative benefits of IAM.

52) What are the 5 pillars of DevOps?

DevOps into five main pillars: 

  1. Culture
  2. Cloud-Native
  3. Automation
  4. Security 
  5. Observability. 

53) What do you understand about AWS CloudFormation in AWS DevOps? 

In AWS DevOps, AWS CloudFormation is a service that makes things easier and simpler for businesses and developers. They can put together a group of AWS resources that go together. AWS CloudFormation is a service that allows you to define and provision your infrastructure as code. 

54) What is Amazon QuickSight in AWS DevOps?

Amazon QuickSight is a quick, cloud-based business analytics service that makes it simple to create data visualizations, conduct ad-hoc analysis, and quickly gain business insights. Developers can provide these pieces in a predictable and organized manner.

55) How can you handle continuous integration and deployment in AWS DevOps?

One must use the AWS Developer tools to save and version an application's source code. The application is then automatically built, tested, and deployed to a local environment or AWS instances using the services. It is advantageous to begin by constructing continuous integration and deployment services with CodePipeline, and then use CodeBuild and CodeDeploy as required.

56) Name three crucial DevOps KPIs.

The three important KPIs are as follows:

  • Meantime to failure recovery 
  • Deployment frequency
  • Percentage of failed deployments. 

57) How to implement IaC using AWS?

There are many ways to do this, but the best way to do it with AWS would be to use the CloudFormation service, which is for writing infrastructure as code. Other options, like Terraform or Pulumi, are pretty good and should be considered if we have more than one type of cloud.

58) In AWS DevOps, what is a hybrid cloud?

A private and public cloud work together to make a hybrid cloud. A VPN tunnel is put between the cloud VPN and the network on-site to build hybrid clouds.

59) How could a business like Amazon use AWS DevOps?

Whether it's Amazon or another eCommerce site, the main goal is to automate all the front-end and back-end tasks in a way that works well together. When paired with CodeDeploy, this is easy to do, so developers can focus on building the product instead of worrying about how to deploy it.

60) In AWS DevOps, what is AWS Lambda?

AWS Lambda is a computing service that allows users to execute programs without explicitly establishing or managing servers. Using AWS Lambda, users may execute any code for their apps or services without previously integrating it. You must upload a piece of code, and Lambda will handle everything else required to run and scale it.


1) Is AWS DevOps easy?

No, DevOps and AWS are not easy to learn. A familiarity with programming languages and the Amazon Web Services (AWS) toolset is required to learn AWS DevOps. 

2) What is AWS's role in DevOps?

AWS's role in DevOps includes providing tools and services that help teams automate and streamline their development and deployment processes. 

3) What does an AWS DevOps engineer do?

An AWS DevOps engineer is responsible for ensuring software functionality during and after deployment. They are responsible for monitoring, deployment, scaling, and subsequent operational activities when releasing code.

4) Do DevOps need coding?

Yes, Some DevOps roles may require more coding skills than others, but a willingness to learn and adapt to new technologies is often more important than specific technical skills.

5) What are AWS DevOps Tools?

Some of the AWS DevOps tools are

  • Amazon Corretto
  • AWS Cloud9
  • AWS CodeBuild
  • AWS CloudShell
  • AWS CodeCommit
  • AWS CodeArtifact
  • AWS CodeDeploy
  • AWS CodePipeline

6) Is AWS DevOps stressful?

The workload and stress level of an AWS DevOps role can vary depending on the organization and the specific project being worked on. However, like any technology role, certain stressors can be associated with the job.

7) Is there coding in AWS DevOps?

 Yes. While coding is not a primary requirement for an AWS DevOps role, having some programming skills can be useful. DevOps professionals must be familiar with various scripting languages like Python, Bash, or PowerShell to automate infrastructure and deployment processes.

8) Can a non-IT person learn AWS DevOps?

Yes, AWS can be learned by anyone. AWS doesn't need you to know anything else before you can learn it. While experience in the IT field is helpful for mastering AWS DevOps, anyone can learn the fundamentals of DevOps and become an expert practitioner.

9) Which language is mostly used in DevOps?

Python is one of the most important programming languages for DevOps engineers. 

10) What is the AWS DevOps engineer's salary?

The salary of an AWS DevOps engineer can change based on location, experience, company size, and industry, among other things. Payscale says an AWS DevOps Engineer makes an average of about $112,000 annually. 

11) Is AWS DevOps in demand?

Yes, AWS DevOps is in high demand in today's job market. As more companies migrate to the cloud and adopt DevOps principles, the demand for AWS DevOps engineers continues to grow. This is due to the fact that AWS is the leading cloud platform and has become an essential tool for organizations of all sizes.

12) Is AWS DevOps good for freshers?

AWS DevOps can be a good career path for freshers interested in cloud computing, automation, and DevOps practices. However, it can be challenging for individuals with little to no experience in IT or programming.

13) What is meant by Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) defines and manages infrastructure and computing resources through code rather than manually configuring hardware and software components. IaC allows developers and IT teams to manage infrastructure in a similar way to how they manage application code, enabling greater automation, repeatability, and scalability.

Tips for Passing an AWS DevOps Interview

Here are some tips to help you prepare for an AWS DevOps interview:

  • Prepare for common interview questions: Review common AWS DevOps interview questions and practice answering them. Be sure to understand the concepts behind the answers and the thought process used to arrive at the solution.
  • Highlight your past experiences: Be prepared to discuss your past experiences and how they relate to the position you are applying for. If you have previously worked on AWS DevOps projects, be ready to talk about your role and what you learned.
  • Be ready for whiteboard exercises: Some AWS DevOps interviews may include whiteboard exercises, where you will be asked to solve problems on a whiteboard. Practice solving problems on a whiteboard, and be prepared to explain your thought process.
  • Follow up after the interview: After the interview, be sure to follow up with the interviewer to thank them for their time and reiterate your interest in the position.


This article has addressed some of the most important AWS DevOps interview questions and answers, which will give you an advantage over your competition and also helps you in deepening your knowledge of the domain. So, if you want to advance your DevOps career, these interview questions will make you feel confident as you face your interviewing panel. With the right preparation, you can ace your AWS DevOps interview and land your dream job!To grace the interview, enroll your names on AWS DevOps Training Course and start learning!

Course Schedule
AWS Devops TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
AWS Devops TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
AWS Devops TrainingNov 02 to Nov 17View Details
AWS Devops TrainingNov 05 to Nov 20View Details
Last updated: 04 Jan 2024
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I am a passionate content writer at MindMajix.  I write articles on multiple platforms such as Power BI, Blockchain, Fintech, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and other courses. My work covers a variety of niches including the IT industry, E-commerce, education, fashion, product descriptions, well-researched articles, blog posts, and many more. Basically, I put love into words and help you connect with the people + moments that matter. You can find me on my Linkedin.

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