Are you ready to dive into Amazon EC2? Explore the latest interview questions and answers created by experts with real-world experience below and start taking your AWS EC2 skills to the next level today!
In the AWS cloud, Amazon EC2 offers scalable processing power. By utilizing it, businesses may create and scale-out applications more quickly without having to make an upfront hardware investment. An easy-to-use dashboard allows users to launch virtual servers, set up networking and security, and control cookies.
But in order to start your AWS EC2 career, you must plan some interviews and succeed in them. In that vein, here are some AWS EC2 interview questions and answers to aid you in the interview process.
Answer: Cloud Services can be mainly classified into three types, namely,
Answer: The distinct geographical areas are referred to as availability regions.
For example - Asia South (Chennai) and US West 1 ( North Washington).
However, the sites included under these regions are called availability zones.
Usually, only isolated regions are included, capable of replicating themselves as per requirement.
Answer: The two known types of queues in SQS are as follows
Answer: We can categorize the following as top products under AWS:
Answer: The members of the snow family include
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Answer: The AWS shield safeguards the Amazon EC2 from the common infrastructure layer and the DDoS attacks like UDP reflection attacks, such as NTP reflection, DNS reflection, SSDP reflection, etc.
Answer: The US standard falls among the cheapest AWS regions in the World.
Answer: 5TB is the maximum possible size of an S3 bucket.
Answer: The AWS services can be availed across 18 regions across South America, North America, Asia Pacific, and the EU.
Answer :
Answer: The various types of Amazon EC2 instances include
Answer: The benefits of AWS include
Answer: Amazon S3 has a global e-commerce network run on scalable storage infrastructure and a web interface for object storage. Thus one can say that Amazon S3 is a global service.
Answer: Not all the services provided are region-based, but most of them are.
Answer: The uses are as follows
RPO stands for Recovery Point Objective. It can be defined as the amount of time or data loss one can afford after a disaster in the service. It is generally measured in the sub-second range.
RTO can be defined as the time taken as the recovery time after a disaster to return to regular operations. Generally measured in minutes, the RTO stands for Recovery Time Objective.
Answer: The Amazon ElastiCache functions as a message, cache, queue, database, etc., which majorly serves as a fast in-memory data store. Nevertheless, it also supports session stores, gaming leaderboards, real-time transactions, and Business intelligence tools.
Answer: The connectivity of Amazon RDS with Amazon Neptune stands in the shared technologies while managing security group management, instance lifestyle management, and encryption at rest with Amazon KMS keys.
Answer: A Global network infrastructure consisting of more than 300 Points of Presence (PoPs) speeds up content delivery. The required optimization of the content delivery is achieved through Websockets and edge termination.
Answer: The ways by which you can check whether you are paying the correct amount are by employing the following resources
Answer: The tools that can help you log into cloud applications are as follows
Answer: The services capable of reducing DDoS attacks are
Answer: The application status of various custom events and AWS services can be monitored using Amazon Cloudwatch
Answer: The different types of cloud services are
Answer: The most common types of AMIs are as follows
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Answer: DB Engines capable of being used in the AWS RDS are
Answer: The different pricing models for EC2 are
Answer: The volume for EC2 instances is of two types
Checkout AWS EC2 Instance Types and learn more about them |
Answer: A tool capable of monitoring different types of AWS services, such as application, health inspection, networking, etc., is called Cloudwatch.
Answer: Cloudwatch can be classified into two types, namely,
Answer: AN archiving or backup tool that helps in backing up data to S3 is referred to as Glacier.
Answer: The various types of Routing policies in Route53 are as follows
Answer: By Default, Aws offer five elastic IP per region.
Answer: The benefits of Cloud Computing are listed below
Answer: We can access the AWS platform in the following ways
Answer: The types of storage classes available are
Answer: Amazon VPC can be monitored in the following ways
Answer: The features of the Amazon Cloud includes
Answer: In 2006, the company announced the official launch of EC2.
Answer: The various types of Load Balancers in AWS are
Answer: The maximum number of buckets completed in S3 is 100.
Answer: The possible storage options available for EC2 instances are
Answer: The famous well known DevOps tools are listed below
Answer: In AWS, the layers of Cloud Architecture are
Answer: The AMI types provided by AW2S are as follows
Answer: The AWS service that exists only to rudimentary cache data and images is AWS Edge locations.
Answer: The maximum boot time for an Amazon occasion store-backed AMI Is 5 minutes.
Answer: The Amazon Route 3 provides both HIgh availability and low latency, which can be seen through
Answer: The different types of policies are
Answer: The maximum number of Elastic IPs created per AWS account per area is 5.
Answer: IAAS-stockpiling Cloud administration includes DNS and Load Balancer administrations.
Answer: The available volume types in EBS are
Answer: The connection issues which you might face while connecting to the EC2 instance are
Answer: The methods for encrypting data in S3 includes
Answer: A web service of the AWS which notifies the user of any activity in the Cloud that requires attention as per the user's desire in the form of messages or emails is referred to as SNS or Simple Notification Service.
Answer: The types of storage gateways are as follows
Answer: The possible backups in the available database are as follows
Answer: Types of Virtualization in AWS are listed below as
Answer: The role of a buffer is to synchronize and integrate various components in AWS. It links multiple apparatus delivering quick services at a uniform rate, thus maintaining equilibrium.
Answer: The Snowball plays the role of transferring a large amount of data in and out of the AWS at a meager networking cost.
Answer: The permissions attached to the Created AWS users to access their accounts are referred to as policies.
Answer: In general, the cloud watch metrics available are
Checkout: Choosing The Right EC2 Instance Type For Your Application |
Answer: The security of a Virtual Private Cloud can be regulated with the help of the Network Access Control List and Security Groups.
Answer: The connection of two or more Virtual Private Clouds is achieved through VPC peering, where the connected VPCs function coherently.
Answer: Redshift is Amazon's data warehouse product through which we can access powerful and fast services.
Answer: Multipart Upload Utility of the AWS helps upload large files. Here, the files are generally divided into parts and then uploaded parallel and independently to reduce the upload time. After completing the upload, the software will convert the files into a single file.
Answer: The highly functional block-level storage provided by Elastic Block Storage can be connected to any EC2 instance and can be accessed with great ease.
Answer: How Snowball can speed up data transfer is as follows
Answer: The best essential practices for security includes
Answer: The components of Auto-scaling include
Answer: A Stateful Firewall is a security group that helps in the regulation of traffic among various AWS resources and instances.
On the other hand, a security group that allows or denies traffic based on rules and is an Access control List at the Subnet level is called Stateless Firewall.
Answer: Amazon's product provides a reliable and fast database with enhanced scalability for storing vast data and increased performance.
Answer: Access to AWS based on designed roles is permitted by Federated Roles.
Answer: The benefits of Security Token Service say that as the credentials are temporary, there is no necessity to rotate or revoke them.
Answer: The Cloud service, with the help of various services run on a pay-as-you-go basis in AWS, is called IaaS.
Answer: The service that helps in the managing memory caching environment is denoted as Amazon ElastiCache
Answer: The benefits of ElastiCache are as mentioned below
Answer: The significant role of PaaS is to successfully run cloud platforms predominantly to monitor, develop and test the software that is functioning.
Answer: The maximum storage capacity of Glacier is 40 TB.
Answer: The health check failed, and non-updated instances are rerouted with the help of Connection draining.
Answer: Vertical scaling refers to adding resources to infrastructure to increase the performance and power of an existing machine.
In Horizontal scaling, the power and performance are enhanced by the augmentation of new machines.
Answer: On launching instances in Cluster placement groups, we can expect the following parameters
Answer: Attaching a load balancer to an autoscaling group effectively reduces the load by distributing it among various instances.
Answer: In Amazon AWS, there are situations when you need to install necessary software or extract log files. During these situations, lifecycle hooks help add wait time before an instance's termination or launch.
Answer: Lambda facilitates deploying functions that are triggered by events and also help to run server-less applications
Answer: SES is an Amazon service that helps send bulk emails to users at a low cost.
Answer: Functions such as the response to CloudFront events to execute functions in AWS without a managing server is performed by Lambda edge.
Answer: Amazon Kinesis Firehose is a data Firehouse that helps stack information in devices or information stores without a continuous organization.
Do you want to know more about AWS EC2? Take a Look at this AWS EC2 Tutorial |
Answer: Amazon EC2 is an on-demand computing resource that helps host applications. During uncertain workloads, it is amicable. This computing resource is time friendly and allows quick scaling as per the requirement.
Answer: The features of the Amazon EC2 service are:
Answer: Key-pairs is password or login information used to prove identity whenever connected to the Amazon EC2 instance.
Answer: As per the changing demands in workloads, the Amazon EC2 service removes or adds EC2 instances. It also detects unhealthy EC2 instances.
Answer: Following are the medium to retrieve EC2 samples:
Answer: This efficient serving computing resource automatically replaces unhealthy EC2 instances with new instances. Therefore, we can say that it continuously surveils the health of Amazon EC2 instances.
Answer: When you stop an instance, it means that the model shuts down, and again when you start the sample, the attached volumes to the instance remain attached.
When you terminate an instance, it automatically deletes the EBS volumes attached; hence, the system can never restore it.
Answer: The basic structures are-
Answer: There are three types of EC2 instances:
Answer: The EC2 instances can be cast-off by native occurrence storage.
Answer: This instance is hosted in multiple locations across the World. All the isolated places are called Availability zones.
Answer: Rebooting an Ebs device is like rebooting your PC, which means it does not affect your hard disk. Rebooting does not have any effect as such.
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