Big Data in AWS

Today, Big Data is spread across different verticals of organizations around the world. The practical application of Big Data is reaching businesses, scientific fields, and whatnot. The road of revolutionizing a conventional society to digitalized one required processing, storing, and analyzing data. Data is precious today, and in a world driven by extensive volumes, data incur notable challenges and complexities.

Big Data became a to-go field for data management when the conventional data management methods became stale not only to store data but also to process it efficiently. The solutions offered by  Big Data in AWS came into being to bridge the creation and analyze data efficiently. The tools and technologies provide numerous opportunities as well as challenges to explore data efficiently. Understanding the preference of the customer and people is the need of the hour. Utilizing data to conduct market research provides a competitive advantage to organizations.

Table of Content: Big Data in AWS

Big Data in AWS Tutorial

What is Big Data?

As the name suggests, Big Data is itself the data that is present in massive size. It generally comprises semi-structured, structured, and unstructured data originating from a wide array of sources. Big Data packs an enormous data volume that the conventional warehousing model cannot handle. Big Data offers high-volume, high-variety information assets which demand innovation and cost-effective information processing. Big Data generally comprises five important Vs, are:

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1. Volume: This represents the massive volume of data.

2. Velocity: Velocity represents the data that is accumulated rapidly. The data comes from mobile devices, social media, machines, and networks massively and continuously.

3. Variety: The variety of data originates from various sources, both outside and inside any organization and business.

4. Veracity: It represents the data that comprises duplication, uncertainties, and inconsistencies which are a result of pulling information from a diverse list of sources.

5. Value: Data that cannot be put in analysis, processed, and turned into something useless has no worth today.

Some analysts also prefer it as Four V where they make use of Variability other than Veracity. Understanding the very essence of Big Data requires exploring the whole of AWS.

What is AWS?

AWS or Amazon Web Services comprises a wide array of products and revolutionary cloud computing services. AWS is a service built on a pay-as-you-go model which incorporates email, developer tools, mobile development, the Internet of Things (IoT), remote computing, networking, storage, servers, and security to name a few. The web services come with two primary products namely:

  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud - A virtual machine service from Amazon.
  • S3: It empowers users to block public access while storing scalable data.

Ever since AWS came into being, it has become a holistic and significantly utilized cloud platform globally. The web services from amazon are further split into twelve regions globally. Moreover, each area has its dedicated availability zones where servers are found. The users can find the available and designated service areas for setting up geographical limits on services. The regions further provide optimum security with the diversification of physical locations where data could be found.

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Big Data in  AWS Solutions

AWS platform does bring in a bunch of constructive solutions for analysts, developers, and marketers. Moreover, AWS offers crucial development to handle Big Data. Before exploring the tools, it is essential to explore distinctive significant data segments, which amps the platform to provide solutions. By the looks of it, these four segments also aid in delivering cutting-edge solutions that only AWS is capable of offering.

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1. Data Ingestion: The step doesn’t exactly mean that people in the platform would eat data. It collects raw data from different sources like mobile devices, logs, and records of transactions, among others. 

2. Data Storage: What happens when you collect the data? Well, they should be put somewhere, and this is where AWS comes into being. AWS does have the capacity to store massive amounts of data. The platform offers a completely secure, scalable, and robust area for storing data that provides easy access to data right inside the network.

3. Data Processing: After data reaches the network, processing the said data is the next step. Turning the raw data into something magnificent to use and interact with is the goal. Data processing requires functionalities like sorting, aggregation, joining, advanced features, and algorithms. The data, after careful processing, turns into a helpful resource that is further stored for processing in future scenarios.

4. Visualization: As the final aspect, Visualization does encompass dataset explorations via end-users for extracting better value and actionable insights for any organization. Tons of data visualization tools are available in the market which can convert data into infographic representation. The idea is to understand the data better by simply turning information into a visual representation like charts, maps, and graphs.

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Getting deep into the field of Big Data requires the perfect set of tools. It is a taxing job to turn a massive volume of big data into a valuable and actionable phase is quite a formidable task. With the correct disposal of resources, turning big data into something meaningful is doable. AWS comes with quite an impressive assembly of solutions and resources that meet modern-day challenges with data.

1. AWS Snowball: A data migration resource, AWS Snowball securely and efficiently migrates a massive amount of data. Irrespective of where the data is, such as storage platforms, Hadoop clusters, or in-house platforms directly into S3. If you choose to create a job using AWS management, you immediately get a Snowball device from Amazon at your doorstep. All you need to do is connect the device to a LAN, install the tool’s client, and transfer files & directories directly into the machine. Upon completing the transfer, all you have to do is ship the device back to AWS, and they’ll move the data right into said S3 bucket. 

2. Data Ingestion: It involves accumulating raw data in transactions, mobile devices, and logs. It is the first-ever challenge that several organizations face to deal with the challenges of Big Data. Only a robust big data platform does make the step easier. Developers get the chance to ingest massive amounts of data both from structured and unstructured sources. The best part? It happens in real-time!

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3. Visualization: AWS offers Amazon Quicksight that creates eye-catching visualizations & an interactive dashboard. The dashboard is accessible from a web browser and mobile device. Amazon Quicksight uses SPICE or a Super-fast, Parallel, In-memory Calculation Engine that generates graphs while performing data calculation.

4. Data Storage: S3 plays a crucial role in data storage as it is a highly secure, scalable, durable resource which stores any segment of data from any source. S3 plays a vital role in keeping data from websites, corporate applications, IoT sensors, and devices. S3 can store vast amounts of data with unrivaled availability. The data storage module employs scalable storage just like Amazon throughout the global eCommerce platform.

5. Redshift: The tool allows analysts to run some complex analytics against the massive capacity of data put into the structure. It doesn’t require any sort of financial outlay. Moreover, Redshift costs 90% less than traditional processing expertise. Redshift comprises Redshift Spectrum with which analysts run the SQL queries right against the data in S3 without making any unnecessary data movement.

6. AWS Glue: The data service is responsible for storing metadata in a single repository. AWS Glue is also accountable for simplifying ETL processes allowing data analysts to create and at the same time run ETL or Extract, Transform, and Load in just a few clicks. The tool also comes with an in-built catalog that mimics the functionalities of persistent metadata for data assets. Analysts can also run a search and query of data in the single-most manner.

7. Data Processing: Hadoop and Apache Spark are the notable frameworks that process data today. It is increasingly imperative to possess an exceptional AWS tool that can utilize its true prowess. EMR from Amazon fits perfectly into the bill given that it provides unflinching managed service effortlessly and quickly to process data of any given amount. EMR also adds support to 19 specific open-source projects like Spark and Hadoop. The EMR tool is ideal for data engineering, collaboration, and the development of data science.

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AWS on Bigdata

AWS is famous for providing numerous managed services to assist end-to-end enterprise-oriented big data. The seamlessness of development has become a prominent reason why enterprises opt for AWS big data. In Big Data, the applications generally have several requirements like data processing and streaming in real-time. Nevertheless, AWS provides users with all of the imperative infrastructure and tools to address projects based on Big Data.

AWS offers a broad spectrum of analytical solutions without having to delve into upgrading hardware and maintenance. In addition to this, Big Data services from AWS do involve data collection from several devices. These capabilities showcase how both Big Data and Amazon Web Services are essential today.

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1. Amazon Kinesis

Amazon Kinesis is the best platform on AWS to stream data at any time of the day. Furthermore, this is also why Kinesis comes with an option to build tailor-made applications to stream data for designated needs. Kinesis could also aid in entering data in real time. If building applications is your need in AWS, then Kinesis is your go-to option.

2. Amazon EMR

A comprehensively distributed framework for computing makes the processing and storing of data efficient. EMR also aids developers and people in the network to use Hadoop tools like Spark, and Hives, among others. EMR is the perfect tool to use Big Data in AWS by simply running the analytics and processing big data.

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3. AWS Lambda

It aids in running code without having to require server management or overseeing the activity. With Lambda from AWS, users only have to pay for running the computation time at the usage time. Lambda aids in running any code on any type of application. Consider AWS Lambda as a backend service that doesn’t require administration.

4. Amazon Machine Learning

As the name suggests, the Machine Learning service is the best thing that AWS offers today. It is excellent for running predictive analysis to create visually appealing machine learning models. Amazon provides a great way to obtain predictions via any sort of API operation. Moreover, not having to implement the custom code to generate predictions differentiates this offering from its counterparts.

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5. AWS Glue

AWS Glue doesn’t depend on servers to perform ETL. Refining data and improvising it is the ultimate goal of AWS to ensure migration between security and data stores. Glue is beneficial in reducing time, cost, and complexity during the creation of ETL jobs.


The holistic take to understand the importance of Big Data in AWS has made it clear that it is tailor-made for users. Users, developers, and analysts don’t have to brainstorm to oversee and manage data as everything is readymade. AWS provides diverse opportunities with Big Data through its unique offerings and functionalities. The AWS tools and services also contribute to making the most out of Big Data with substantial yet holistic training.

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Last updated: 25 Apr 2023
About Author

As a content writer and storyteller, Raunaak Mitra regards himself to be a prodigy in writing. He firmly believes that language is borderless, and anyone can write as long as they have a strong narrative capability and the ability to emote feelings into words. Authors like F. Scott Fitzgerald and R. K. Narayan have influenced him to keep the writing as simple as possible for anyone to understand. Other than being well-versed about technological trends like AI, Machine Learning, AR, VR, Gaming, Microprocessors, Cloud Computing, Industry 4.0, literally any technological advancement (old or new), he also shares a knack to curate fiction on sci-fi, satire, and thriller genres.

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