SnapLogic Tutorial

SnapLogic is a software that offers an Integration Platform as a Service (iPaaS) platform for linking Cloud data sources, SaaS apps, and on-premises business software apps. In this tutorial, we’ll learn everything we need to know about SnapLogic.

SnapLogic's Intelligent Integration Platform (IIP) automates every stage of IT integration, including the design, development, and management, whether on-premises, in a hybrid, or in the cloud environment, using AI-powered workflows.

Organizations use SnapLogic to integrate all of their enterprise systems, automate business processes, expedite analytics, and enable rapid transformation.

The subjects listed below will be covered in this SnapLogic Tutorial blog.

SnapLogic Tutorial - Table of Content

➤ What is SnapLogic?

➤ How does it work?

➤ SnapLogic tools

➤ SnapLogic Control Plane

➤ Architecture of SnapLogic

➤ Features of SnapLogic 

➤ SnapLogic Monitoring Dashboard

➤ API Management

➤ Data Catalog Service

What is SnapLogic?

SnapLogic is a software company that provides cloud combination products to enable users to link cloud-based data and applications with on-premise and cloud-based business methods. 

The products originated to give even business users who do not have any technical skills access and consolidate information from various sources.

SnapLogic, a prominent supplier in information technology of news, research, reviews, events, and education, has been named one of Network World's Ten Open Source Companies to Watch.

If you want to enrich your career and become a professional in SnapLogic, then enroll in "SnapLogic Online Training" - This course will help you to achieve excellence in this domain.

How does it work?

SnapLogic integrates 400+ apps and data structures with pre-defined, knowledgeable Snaps connections. These connections transfer the data from one database to another. Data movement flexibility is provided through mixed batch and streaming capability.

Snaps process data behind the firewall, in Hadoop, or the cloud using Snaplex, a self-upgrading, elastic execution grid. Snaplex synchronizes data across apps, data sources, and platforms.

Snaplex comes in a variety of forms:

  • Cloudplex, which is a cloud-based service.
  • Groundplex is a service that operates behind the customer's firewall.
  • Hadooplex, which executes pipelines using Yet Another Resource Negotiator (YARN). SnapLogic can run on a Hadoop cluster natively. Users don't have to write code to develop Hadoop channels.
  • Sparkplex is a data processing platform consisting of processing nodes (containers) that convert data pipelines to the Spark framework and then run them on a cluster. Users can develop Spark-based channels without having to know how to code.

SnapLogic Tools

Data Snaps: Most significant SQL databases and data sources like MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle, Teradata, Cassandra, Trillium, Amazon DynamoDB, Confluent, Amazon Redshift are supported by Data Snaps.

Analytics Snaps: HDFS Read/Write, Anaplan, Google Analytics, Amazon DynamoDB, Cassandra, Amazon Redshift, and Birst, are systems supported by Analytics Snaps.

Core Snaps: CSV Read/Write, REST, Filter, Spreadsheet Reader, Unique, ERP, Fixed Width Reader/Writer, Field Cryptography, Email Snap, Sequence, Sort, XML Read/Write, Transform, JSON Read/Write, Transform are some of the core Snaps which is used for data analysis on standard systems and file types.

An SDK and APIs:  An SDK and APIs are available to construct or integrate custom Snaps, and integration flows into other apps and platforms.

Snaplex in SnapLogic

The information processing device of the SnapLogic Intelligent Integrated Platform is called a Snaplex (IIP). Although the design and management components are shared among clients, each customer receives their Snaplex for data processing. The SnapLogic cloud in which all Cloud Snaplexes run is the same. On-premise Snaplexes are hosted in private data centers and are protected by a firewall.

SnapLogic Control Plane

The control plane is a multi-tenant Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure service. The control plane comprises components that make up the three web applications (Designer, Manager, and Dashboard) and a few critical subcomponents that govern the data plane together.

The Control Plane consists of Some Components

control plane components

Hardware and Software Load-Balances: The kind of incoming request is forwarded to the linked data 

Security: Administrates user access to web programs, including permissions and authentication.

Scheduler: Manages the planned tasks and jobs for integration pipelines.

Controller: The elasticity, longevity, software upgrades, and other properties of all runtime components are maintained.

Metadata Repository: The metadata for pipelines is kept in a completely redundant and secure database (MongoDB). This is where the integration pipeline's metadata, such as mapping and configuration data, is stored.

Amazon S3 for file system and Log services: System files and log files generated by the pipeline are kept in a secure and reliable environment.

Snapwatch: The SnapLogic DevOps team uses this application to manage and monitor the whole SnapLogic Integration Cloud infrastructure.

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Architecture of SnapLogic

The SnapLogic Intelligent Integration Platform is designed to meet the needs of next-generation applications and data integration. The Designer, Manager, and Monitoring Dashboard keeps track of organizations, timelines, associations, and security details.

Architecture of Snaplogic

This SnapLogic architecture has two areas: Control Plane and Data Plane. The Control plane is completely running in the cloud, Whereas the Data plane is the data processing area. The control plane primarily consists of three components: Designer, Manager, and Monitor.

In addition to that, there are hardware and software load-balances and security mechanisms to control the platform. It has a Metadata repository, which serves the metadata information about the pipelines and their extension. These all functions are entirely hosted in the cloud, and the control plane is known to be a multi-tenant platform.

The Data plane mainly consists of snap Lexus, the execution area where your business data is processed. This Snap Lexus consists of two types: Cloud Flex and Ground Flex.

Cloud flex is completely running in the cloud and managed by the snap logic team, and they come pre-installed with the product; when it comes to the Ground flex, they run on the customers' data center, it is the responsibility of the customers to install the product for the first time and then the further upgrade, product upgrade, and other patches are managed from the control plane.

Features of SnapLogic (listicles)

  • Any source that can be incorporated (Web, SaaS, on-premise)
  • Snap Component API is infinitely expandable.
  • Snaps can be made and exchanged on the SnapStore.
  • You can use it on-premises or in the cloud.
  • The user interface for the browser-based Designer has been streamlined.
  • The usefulness of enterprise ETL.

Selecting a Snaplex for a Pipeline Run

In the following ways, specify what Snaplex a pipeline would use:

  • When you open a Pipeline in Builder, users can select which Snaplex the Pipeline can execute on from the Snaplex drop-down menu.
  • Users can choose whatever Snaplex on which to execute the Pipeline once you build a Scheduled or Triggered Task.
  • Snap has a snaplex attribute that defines where the child Pipeline is executed when the pipeline is performed. If you use a Pipeline Execute Snap, you may either leave the premises empty or use the pipe. The Pipeline is run on the same connector as the parent, thanks to the plexPath expression. Information isn't transported over a system when operating a parental relationship Pipeline on the same hub, which optimizes the display of the Pipeline performance.
  • When you use the Pipeline Execute Snap to operate a child Pipeline, the information reports and Pipeline parameters are provided to a hub in the chosen Snaplex (through the control plane via encoded transport).
  • To set up a Snaplex for an activity, an Org administrator could move it from the Shared venture to another job. Snaplex is just one of the new experience's Pipelines.
Related Article: Advance SnapLogic Interview Questions

Designer Toolbar

The SnapLogic designer toolbar includes

Snaplogic Designer Tool Bar

  • User Settings

Notifications: This is an important framework message that SnapLogic displays when you sign in, for example, as a reminder of upcoming framework maintenance.

  • Email Customer Support

Help: Opens the item documentation

  • Log out

SnapLogic Monitoring Dashboard

  • The dashboard is a detailed interface that displays information about pipeline processes and Snaplexes.
  • The Pipeline Run History is displayed in the pipeline divider, which contains the running status, total time, and duration.
  • The Task dashboard provides details on the condition of Planned and Stimulated errands for a given time period.
  • Charts for dynamic pipelines, completed pipelines, dynamic hubs, and pipeline dispersion are displayed on the Snaplex divider. You can vary the length of every chart by modifying the sliders below every layout or by selecting the term catches at the top of each diagram. These sliders allow you to see specific instances of lateness.
  • The Insights dashboard, which is only available to organization admins, provides sophisticated graphics that help you visualize Org-level Pipeline execution data for a certain period range.

API Management 

  • This component is a built-in solution for managing APIs within the SnapLogic IIP. Using a four-step wizard, Programming Connectivity Management enables users to bundle and share your Extreme and Stimulated Processes as Proxies.
  • Then you may work with a variety of API Policies for web applications that consume APIs in SnapLogic, such as Basic Identification, IP Limitation, Rate Limitations, Requests and Reply Processors, Cross-Origin Sharing (CORs), and OAuth 2.0 coordination. Programming interface Management allows you to look at things like recorded API usage and execution metrics, as well as view the APIs in the Public API Specification area.

Data Catalog Service 

  • This component provides a method for storing document information area and construction data in an outer record framework. The Data Catalog Service stores metadata data in tables and table segments and provides controls to help you manage these benefits.
  • The Data Catalog improves supervising source metadata within the SnapLogic Platform by allowing users to query data. The Data Catalog Service, part of the MetaData Snap Pack and includes the Catalog Insert, Catalog Query, and Catalog Delete Snaps, allows data integrators to connect, break down, and even update venture metadata.
  • This component includes the Catalog Writer and Catalog Reader Snaps for extreme plea clients. You can assess data permeability stored in Data Lakes, Creating Pipelines that capture, ingest, acclimatize, and improve massive amounts of data from a single user interface.

Resumable Pipeline 

  • When a communication issue occurs with an endpoint, this feature allows you to create Pipelines that are suspended rather than failed. When the objective endpoint becomes available again, you can resume Pipeline execution.
  • Pipelines are paused when a mistake occurs during the first term of this membership feature so that the execution status is saved on the Snaplex hubs.
  • When execution resumes, the spared execution state is piled, and performance continues from where it left off. These reports would have been lost otherwise, and you would have had to re-run the Pipeline. You can resume a Resumable Pipeline on the SnapLogic Dashboard once it has been paused.


Now that you've learned a little more about SnapLogic through this tutorial, it's time for you to start experimenting on your own. After you've finished with this SnapLogic tutorial, explore more about the aspects and factors of this technology and set up the project.

Course Schedule
SnapLogic TrainingOct 26 to Nov 10View Details
SnapLogic TrainingOct 29 to Nov 13View Details
SnapLogic TrainingNov 02 to Nov 17View Details
SnapLogic TrainingNov 05 to Nov 20View Details
Last updated: 04 Apr 2023
About Author


Madhuri is a Senior Content Creator at MindMajix. She has written about a range of different topics on various technologies, which include, Splunk, Tensorflow, Selenium, and CEH. She spends most of her time researching on technology, and startups. Connect with her via LinkedIn and Twitter .

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